The Definition of Serial Killers

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The definition of a serial killer is debatable but contains something along the lines of any person committing three or more murders. These behaviors could include anything from bedwetting to animal torture. Most serial killers are abused in some form or another. This behaVIor usually stems from extreme physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. This abuse is usually perpetrated in the most bizarre, inhumane methods possible and suffered from infancy through the teen years. Eighty percent of all serial killers are said to be white, heterosexual males in their twenties and thirties. They usually kill strangers With cooling-off periods between murders. Many enjoy cannibalism, and necrophilia, and keep their trophy-like body pans as reminders of their work.

Their violent behavior is usually directed against women and children. In most cases if a serial killer tortured his victims inhumanly then the killer himself has probably had a very disturbed childhood. Information On Serial Killers The serial killer Andrei Chikatilo lived in Rostov, 500 miles from Moscow, where he preyed mostly on children. He stalked many of his victims in train and bus stations, and had a penchant for disembowelment and mutilation. He was also a cannibal and a sadist. in 1982, after a twelve-year killing spree, he was taken in for questioning and he was released when police found that his blood Vith-Z didnt match up to the semen found in the victim.

Once he was free he continued on his path of destruction. While he was on trial. his gory descriptions. psychotic behavior and litany of horrors gave the Soviet public their first taste of serial mayhem. He was executed in the year of 1994. The next serial killer that is being spoken of is Albert De Salvo A.K.A. (The Boston Strangler). He lived in Boston and was born in 1931 in the mid-sixties is when he was known as the Boston Strangler. He was already facing a life sentence for his multiple rape convrctions, On the 27th of October 1964 he entered a young womans home posing as a detective. He tied his victim to a bed, proceeded to sexually assault her and suddenly left saying Im sorry as he went.

This man also sexually assaulted his victims. It wasnt until he was convicted of a rape charge when he confessed of his murders. He was sent to prison for life in 1967. but he was murdered in his cell. He was stabbed through his heart. Another wicked serial killer was John Wayne Gacy. He was a sharp business man who had spent his time, when not building up his contracting company, busting street pantries With friends and neighbors. He liked to dress up as a clown and go to local hospitals to entertain kids. This was a cover up to make him appear as if he were a nice guy, This lonely and sadistic contractor also liked to entertain young boys privately in a sexual manner.

Gacy planned all of his kills to make sure it worked out right. He also would handcuff his Victims, anally rape them, then he would beat them beyond recognition His technique was similar to that ofAndrei, and the Boston Strangler. In 1978, the Chicago Police tracked him down. Thirty bodies were found Vith-3 Buried in the crawl space underneath his house. He was executed by lethal injection in 1994. Another interesting serial killer is Ted Bundy. He liked to wear a fake arm sling to make it seem as if it were broken. He would use this method to capture his Victims. He would ask females to help him carry his groceries. He Preferred to kill, long-haired, cheerleader-type girls. He would stab his prey to death With blunt objects.

Bundy liked to bite his victims while he raped them. The bite marks on one of his victims was used as evidence against him when he was on trial in Florida. He was then sent to prison, where he went to Tallahassee, Florida to the hideout. On January 15th, 1978, he butchered two girls and wounded two others around the Chi Omega sorority house in Tallahassee. Not to long after that he stole a van to search for a victim.

The victim ended up being a twelve-year-old girl named Kimberly Leach in Lake City, Florida. Shortly after she was murdered her body was discovered in a pig trough lying next to a Jacket that didnt belong to him. After numerous appeals Bundy was electrocuteo by the state of Florida In 1989. The last serial killer that is to be talked about is Richard Remerirez. He was a Lus Angeles transient known as the Night Stalker. He was a mad-metalhead-satinist. which made him a cult figure. He liked to break into houses and calmly killing. raping, and partying all night long.

He would smoke marijuana in his victims houses while listening to music. He sprayed satanic signs on the walls of the victims. He once took out a ladys eyes with a spoon and sent them back to the crime scene, When Vithr4 He received the death penalty. when he was led out of the courtroom; he exclaimed See you in Disneyland. Several murder victims are killed to take away the pain of the killer himself. All of the serial killers throughout this paper have sexually abused their victims before they decided to kill them. As it says in the Introduction this usually comes from the killers themselves being abused as they were growing up.

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The Definition of Serial Killers. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-definition-of-serial-killers/

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