The Characteristics of Immature People Personal Essay

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Since it is often difficult to establish relationships with people with a certain degree of immaturity, here are some clues about their characteristics and how to approach them, facilitating their management.

Immature people are characterized by not having abandoned the wishes and fantasies of some children. Therefore, the lack of emotional regulation and egocentrism are two of the most characteristic features.

Impulsiveness and lack of empathy are also generally present in this type of person. They are driven by whims and avoid situations more or less unpleasant or boring. They even tend to impose and force others to think from their perspective.

Now, it is also important to mention that although in most cases they are emotionally stunted, they are not always. Depending on the moment, some functions stand out more than others. Let’s take a look below who are the most immature.

  • Lack of empathy

Immature people do not usually find it easy to put themselves in others’ shoes, in fact, many do not even think about it. They are so used to thinking for themselves that in order to empathize with others, they must do a great deal of thinking to prevent their egocentricity.

Because of the lack of empathy, they think that there is only one vision of the world, theirs, and as soon as another person does not agree, they think that it is false or they reject it.

  • Lack of introspection

It is rare for immature people to devote time to their own thinking. They can spend their lives ignoring the ability to observe and learn from their mistakes. In this way, they do not know what their needs, goals and dreams are.

  • Impulsivity

High impulsivity is one of the most important characteristics of immature people. They usually do not regulate their actions or emotions and do not think about short-term or long-term consequences

Often, this characteristic causes problems for others, both personally and professionally, and sometimes with problems of managing their resources, such as money. They can make purchases they can not accept because they do not evaluate investments objectively. That’s why they often live with a lot of debt.

  • The tendency to blame others

One of the most common characteristics of immature people is the tendency to blame another for what is happening. This is due to their belief in doing things right and not making mistakes.

These people are not usually responsible for everything they do, think or feel. That is why, when it suits them, they adopt the position of the victim.

  • Egocentrism

Immature people tend to think only of themselves and so often think that others are also very interested in their own personality.

They declare themselves special. They are arrogant and feel infallible. Despite the fact that they seem to be safe people with high self-esteem, they are deeply anxious at heart. That’s why they must constantly feel admired by others.

  • Appearance of rituals and whims

Immature people are carried away by what gives them pleasure, which can be of great importance in their lives.

Curiously, contrary to what happens with their impulsive actions, these quirks usually appear in a ritual and priority manner. As a result, an immature person may be late for an appointment because she was watching her favorite series or because he was more interested in choosing clothes than in being punctual.

  • Special importance for the image of the population

Immature people often worry too much about situations that may negatively affect their public image. That’s why they go to certain places and undertake projects to increase their popularity.

As a general rule, these people need the approval of others because they receive it as an immediate source of pleasure.

  • Do not like boredom

Because immature people tend to seek their own pleasure and well-being, they also try to avoid situations in which they can not find such feelings, for example when they experience boredom or gene.


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The Characteristics of Immature People Personal Essay. (2021, Jan 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-characteristics-of-immature-people/



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