The Army Squad Leader

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A squad leader has a critical role of building a team of individuals who must accomplish specific objectives. Thus, the leader must engage in teaching people and training them on the best skills and techniques, which will make them proficient and reliable army officers in their field of work (FM 7-22.7 1). This entails ensuring that these individuals can interact and work together as a team in realization of collective objectives. The squad leader does this by establishing and fostering unit cohesion, which ensures that all group members are able to work together as a single unit and elements of interpersonal conflicts and challenges are addressed effectively.

Team spirit and confidence acts as a key motivation factor for the army. As such, the squad leader must ensure that all individuals in his group embrace and develop higher confidence levels and a team spirit is built successfully. This includes instilling values of commitment and loyalty towards their job responsibilities and profession as army officers (FM 7-22.7 1). To do this, the squad leader must identify the weaknesses and strengths of all individuals. This creates an opportunity for the formulation and implementation of a strategy, which ensures that the individual can focus on working effectively in order to attain the desired success level.

During the training period, the soldiers depict different capabilities and performance outputs about the assigned tasks. Such are based on quality, efficiency and time factors, which determines the ability of an individual to deliver as per the specifications. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the squad leader to identify these key personal capabilities among the young soldiers. After the identification, the squad leader must engage them in further training, counseling and coaching. This aids in building of better soldiers. Nevertheless, the leader must have an evaluative based training, which helps in assessment and evaluation of the learning process of all the young soldiers in an effective manner.

Young soldiers are always engaged in physical fitness. It is the responsibility of the army squad leader to ensure that physical exercises are carried out in an effective manner. This demands that the leader teaches the team how to engage in physical exercises while embracing the facets of ethical values and morals. These lead towards attainment of higher standards of discipline among the soldiers. Further, the squad leader must identify disciplinary cases in the group and determine the best strategy to address the issue. This is essential since discipline is a key element for an individual to become a victorious soldier. This always includes indicating to the squad the need for developing effective relationships with another and caring for each other.

The army squad leader must ensure that he runs the business of the army with reference to the established policies, directives and orders as indicated in the code of conduct. This facilitates in ensuring that the squad can emulate a behavior of adhering to the established rules and procedures in conduct of their activities while in the army. Such procedures and rules guide the squad leader on how to run the training process and ensure that the desired mission of the army is accomplished in an effective manner.

The squad has its own needs in terms of administration and logistics. Hence, the squad leader must focus on adopting effective strategies, which will ensure that the administrative and logistic needs of the squad are fulfilled. This ensures that the squad has the potential of accomplishing its tasks without facing significant challenges. The leader must provide an account for the equipment, which are issued to the squad. This facilitates in ensuring that the squad can utilize all the resources in the best way possible and contribute towards attainment of the desired success level. On the same note, the leader must provide an accountability of the soldiers in the squad. This involves provision of a training report in accordance to the activities carried out and the performance of each soldier of the squad. Squad leader also has to review the report compiled by the squad and complete casualty-based reports and presents reports aimed at decorations and awards.

The soldiers are issued uniforms, weapons and equipment during the training. Thus, the squad leader must conduct routinely inspection of the condition of these items. This is followed by a compilation of report on the detected defaults and requisition for replacements (Army Study Guide 1). It is also essential that the leader fosters a culture of effective utilization of all the assigned resources to the squad. This contributes towards minimization of damages and replacement costs. Additionally, soldiers learn how to use the assigned equipment in an effective manner in order to contribute towards attainment of the desired mission of the army.

The squad leader is responsible of ensuring that squad members access the assigned resources in equal levels. This prevents the development of issues of biasness and favoritism among the squad members. These are very tragic since they may contribute towards the split of the squad on rivalry basis and development of higher levels of hatred. Further, the leader must report on the equipment and supplies for the squad. Moreover, squad leader should teach and train the team on how to improvise resources. This builds their survival tactics while in the field where such resources would be limited or not provided at all to them.

Furthermore, the squad leader must concentrate more on the standards and professionalism of training and developing the NCOs, as well as soldiers who are enlisted (Army Study Guide 1). This involves ensuring that these individuals obtain the best skills and knowledge, which is essential for their career growth and development in the field of being army officers. This best achieved if the squad leader becomes primarily involved in the provision of leadership services and training to the team. This ensures that success is attained successfully.

Finally, the army squad leader must follow orders as provided by the NCOs and officers within the support channel. This ensures that the training is delivered as expected by the higher officers in command. By doing this, the squad leader illustrates how the team should always focus on following orders and implementing them in the best way as indicated by the commanding officers. In addition, the leader must ensure that the squad comprehends how the command structure of the army operates.

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The Army Squad Leader. (2021, Aug 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-army-squad-leader/

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