The Advantages of Online Distance Learning

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Nowadays it seems everything is moving online. Even education that was always used to be taught in the classroom is moving to the internet. There are a lot of debates about the advantages and disadvantages about time management, and online learning. The future of education is advancing more further to online learning experience.

The privilege of choosing your own classes and time that will best suit you is one of the advantages of online education. Eli Noam (2005) states that the university buildings, dorms, and research center will be replaced by distance learning format in the near future. Online education allows students to study on their own time, live in any area in the world, and still be able to study at top universities and colleges without leaving the comfort of their homes. School districts throughout the USA are beginning to offer K-12 classes online as an alternative to students and their parents (Norman, 2007). Learning is no longer restricted within a classroom because students can get access to information anywhere and everywhere. A teacher is not the only source available, these days you can get entry to information in seconds from Google.

From my perspective online education is most effective because it saves you time and money. I sign up for online classes because I don’t have that much money to be spending on bus transportation every day. I have been saving up a lot by doing online classes and that works for me. When I took my first online class I had some difficulties doing my assignments and knowing my way around. It was a new change of environment from me being in a classroom and interacting with a professor to learning new things on my own. But then I watched my blackboard orientation video that helps explain what every tab and section was there to do.

Discussion board is one of the important tabs students used to socialize throughout the online class. I used it to discuss assignments with other students to help each other or it can be used to discuss a topic your professor assigned. In my opinion online professors give you more time to do assignments or projects. To keep myself on schedule I have a cardboard box at home where I put my assignments due dates so I remember to turn it in on time.

When it comes to online education time management is everything. You need to be prepared before the first day of class. “Planning ahead may be the most important tip that online students can take into account. It is good to read through your class syllabus to get familiar with projects, exams, and assignments due dates.” There are a lot of apps available to help students stay on track with their classes such as:

  • “Self Control app that blocks your access to certain apps of your choosing for a certain period of time to allow you to get things done without distractions.”
  • “Study Life allows you to input your class schedule and all your assignments for each class. It sends you reminders about incomplete tasks, upcoming classes, and exams and allows you to track your progress on tasks percentages.” These apps are free so students don’t have to spend a penny on it.

According to the Open Education Database, “Commercials that feature online students studying in their pajamas only glide the surface of one of the benefits of online education: no face to face class sessions. Students get their notes through powerpoint or online textbooks and complete assignments sent to them electronically, with no need to be stressed about traffic or being late for a class. Students in online courses can get participation points by participating in discussion boards, during their work on time, and reading materials assign” (“10 Advantages of Taking Online Classes”). Colleges such as Rowan College of Burlington County offer shorter semesters so instead of doing 15 weeks of classes students can choose to do 7 weeks online course. I won’t recommend this solution. The class is fast paced since professors need to cover so much in a little period of time. But with a lot of self motivation and continued hard work in the class the student can complete the course.

Online education has enlarged in recent years due to the advancement of technologies. “The notion of online education began around the time the Internet became global. Distance learning programs upgraded as the Internet advanced. Colleges and universities embrace early online education and were later followed by elementary and secondary schools. As more colleges and K-12 school systems started offering courses over the internet, more students started to recognize the advantages and benefits of online education.

Among the students who take classes on campus I would guess that the majority of them take at least one online class. My main reason for taking online classes this semester is due to the fact that I registered late and most classes were already close by then. My next option was online class and I don’t regret it because I have been saving some money. Taking an online class is also good for your resume. Companies see taking an online class is a sign of taking initiative. As stated by Pongo Resume, “Employers respect a degree earned online as much as a degree earned from attending school on campus.” (“The Advantages of Online Learning”). I contemplate that companies know that most people nowadays are getting their education online and it is the same as on campus. Online learning is easier and flexible especially for working class people who don’t have the time to be going back and forth on campus.

Works Cited

  1. http://degreedirectory.org/articles/What_is_the_History_of_Online_Education.html
  2. https://www.wm.edu/offices/deanofstudents/services/studentaccessibilityservices/resources1/studentresources/apps/index.php
  3. https://sopa.tulane.edu/blog/guide-mastering-time-management-online-learners
  4. https://www.researchomatic.com/online-vs-traditional-education-106187.html

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The Advantages of Online Distance Learning. (2022, Mar 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-advantages-of-online-distance-learning/

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