Success Is Not Final; Failure Is Not Fatal: It Is the Courage to Continue That Counts

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Germany is a symbol of technical excellence and is the world’s most popular non-Anglophone study destination. Germany offers relatively low tuition fees, high quality of life, extensive support and scholarship schemes for international students, and decent post-graduation employment prospects. This apprised me of the significance Germany holds in higher level of education. My desire to pursue postgraduate study in Germany is highlighted by my desire to be a part of program at your institution offers the flexibility required for such a vast and rapidly changing field. Furthermore, retaining high reputation in having superior standards of education and research activities with the opportunity to challenge myself has enhanced me on choosing this.

I was born and brought up in Ernakulam, which is a metropolitan city in Kerala, which is in India. I was attracted to the rich heritage and culture of my state and country. I finished my schooling from Anita Public School, Ernakulam, one of the elite schools in India accredited to Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE). English was the medium of instruction right from my kindergarten, which added my English language proficiency. And as far as Germany is concerned I am learning German language (A1 and A2) for enlarging my chances to grow more. During school days I was fascinated by technology especially with electrical linkages in electrical appliances. I always wondered how they function. This led me to take up Physics, Mathematics, and Chemistry as majors in Intermediate. My academic profile shows excellent grades where I secured 81% in my 10th Standard and my intermediate with 91%.

From early childhood, I was very captivated with electronic appliance that I always tried to find out what basic elements and structure they contain that make them to facilitate human life. Therefore, since then, I had calculated my future to be in the electrical engineering domain. The enthusiasm to understand the secret behind the design and operation of electronic gadgets motivated me to enroll myself for undergraduate program in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Adi Shankara Institute Of engineering and Technology, Kalady one of the most esteemed institutes of India.

During my Undergraduate Study I faced many challenges boldly because of the strong foundation laid in my school. I witnessed a drastic change in my attitude. During the next four years I spent studying the principles and concepts of Science and Technology. Subjects like Electromagnetic fields and Transmission lines, Control systems, Electrical measurements, Computer Networks, Microprocessors& Micro Controllers, Digital Circuits and Microwave Engineering Linear Integrated Circuits, Pulse and digital circuits, Digital Signal Processing gave me an opportunity to learn concepts with its applications. Besides building theoretical concepts the long hours in the Labs helped me to correlate theory to practical observation.

I was one of the excellent coordinator of the national project named “VIDYUTH”, which electrified the rural villages in India along the combined effort of state electricity board, which in turn furnished my leadership and communicational skills. In addition to this, throughout the four years of Bachelor studies I was the Student Class Representative which taught me how to be good in multitasking. Moreover, as a result of my dedication and hard work I was awarded many merit and participation certificates along with many other appreciation certificates. Being passionate of research, I was co-author in an academic research activity titled “LIBOT-Librarian Robot”, published in an International Journal Named International Organization Of Scientific Research (IOSR). In this work, we presented a Robot named Libot- Librarian Robot, a robust structure for the efficient delivery of books in a library that aims at reducing the human effort and labour within an affordable range of cost.

Working on projects throughout the academic gave me a sound technical base. But the greatest advantage of indulging myself in these activities was to accomplish skills of teamwork. As a Final Year Project activity, we a team of three undergrads, were assigned to design, develop and implement a system named “Development of Libot – Librarian Robot”, a mechatronic system that system that collects the requisite book from library rack and delivers it to the user. As a group leader, my key tasks were to manage overall activities, Structure Designing & Simulation, which furnished my skills to understand Robotic Systems and managing teamwork. I had also completed one Mini Project during my 3rd academic year, which was an “Electronic Letter Box” that counts and displays the numbers of letters in a Letter Box very accurately. This in turn helped in grooming my problem solving acquisitions.

During my internship period at Amphenol fci OEN connectors ltd. Mulanthuruthy, Cochin, in my 4th academic year I came to know work ethics of a multinational firm. It is one of the country’s major suppliers of professional grade connectors and is a joint venture with FCI (earlier called Framatome Connectors France). I learned the manufacturing process of connectors that strictly adheres to the standards and specifications set by the collaborator so as to ensure that the end products match the quality and reliability levels set by the collaborator. Also, I learned how to perform troubleshooting, assembling, testing and packing of connectors that was a great exposure with modern electrical components.

In my adult age, I perceived that life has been a process of consistent determination and therefore I intended to perform better in everything than I had done before. The most integral part of these persistent achievements is the work ethic assimilated into me by my parents, teachers and intrigued liking of engineering. The reason for doing Masters in Electronics is its ever rising popularity and appeal which has appealed me. With a robust foundation in Electronics and Communication Engineering I now intend to expand my study and enhance my knowledge along with great contributions to the field of Electrical Engineering. The course subject offered at your university interests me greatly and meets my expectations and aptitude. I feel that obtaining admission in your university would help me in acquiring skills and knowledge that can make my dreams come true.

In conclusion, it would be a matter of pride for me to pursue my postgraduate studies at your renowned institution to gain many academic strides and contribute my part in the research area. I am fully aware that your curriculum requires that I summon all my resources and I thank you for the opportunity given me to express about myself.

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Success Is Not Final; Failure Is Not Fatal: It Is the Courage to Continue That Counts. (2022, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/success-is-not-final-failure-is-not-fatal-it-is-the-courage-to-continue-that-counts/

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