Studious student

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As a student, I have always been very studious and focused. I am extremely career-oriented and have been working hard to achieve my goals. I want to work in the investment banking sector and I think this course would immensely help me in achieving my future goals. There are certain elements in this course that could be applied in the real world.

For instance, the economic content and skills learned in this course could help me in my career. Moreover, the description of various economic principles, analysis of economic problems, and the economic environment of our country would be of great aid in understanding the diversity and importance of this field. Plus it would also be of great help in developing my understanding of this field.

However, if we talk about the third principle of economics, we can find real-world examples and almost every rational person makes a choice that benefits him. In my case, I wanted to purchase a car that was affordable and better than the others available in the city but it was in another town. I had to spend an extra amount of money to travel to that town and purchase the car. So, I decided to make that additional effort and instead of wasting time bought the car.

When I analyze myself as a student, I find I have more strengths than weaknesses. However, I know that if I let my weaknesses take control, it’ll make me a bad student. As a student, I have many good qualities. I am a good student when I am focused and make good use of my time. As I get older, I learn that overcoming my weaknesses makes me a better student.

The most important thing is that I have a desire to improve my studies. Also, I am very determined to reach my goals. Another thing is that I acknowledge my mistakes and I am willing to seek help and change. to my advantage, I have found good sources of help in my family and teachers. Besides these qualities of a good student, I also have enough time to study and perform very well in several classes.


Cite this paper

Studious student. (2021, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/studious-student/



Is a very studious person?
The definition of studious is someone who spends a lot of time on academic pursuits or reading books, or something done carefully and deliberately . A person who studies all the time is an example of someone who is studious.
What are the types of students?
There are many types of students. Some students are visual learners, while others are auditory learners. Some students are also kinesthetic learners.
What is a studious student?
A studious student is someone who is diligent and works hard in their studies. They are focused and disciplined, and put in the time and effort to learn and grow.
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