Slang in Social Media

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Regardless of whether it is planned or accidental, the selection of words in correspondence could either strengthen the message that we need to convey to the listeners or make a misconception or unintended impression. When we speak with somebody close to us, we probably won’t give much consideration to our selection of words compared to the discussion on a more professional level. In any case, how we use language to convey our messages is especially vital in business and expert settings. As per McLean (2010), there are six main barriers to successful business communication, specifically Cliché, Jargon, Slang, Sexist and Racist Language, Euphemisms, and Doublespeak.

The first obstacle, cliché, is as well called truism or platitude. A cliché is an excessively utilized word or expression that has lost its planned significance and impact. Cliché can be infuriating to many since they would think of it as irrelevant or unimportant. I have seen such phrases in the retail world, for example, I would not respond much to the expressions ‘one-stop service’, or ‘most reduced cost ever’ on the grounds that I have heard or seen them too often in numerous shops.

The second barrier to effective business communication is jargon. These words or expressions utilized explicitly in certain professions (McLean, 2010). For example, accountants often use words like ‘current assets’, (which includes things like stock, cash, and accounts receivable), or ‘fix assets’ (which consist of items such as buildings, vehicles, equipment etc.) To the individual new to the business, these terms may appear to be puzzling. Another example would be medical terms like ‘Agonal’ (to signify a major, negative change in a patient’s condition) or ‘JT’ for a joint. As we can see, the various professions would have a specific jargon to simplify communication between them but it would be completely alien language to others and that is how people get confused in trying to guess the meanings.

The third barrier to effective business communication is slang. The Cambridge Dictionary characterizes the word ‘slang’ as ‘casual language that is typically spoken not written, utilized particularly by specific gatherings of individuals’. For example, slang incorporate the words ‘chap’, which implies a man, ‘stuffed’ (who is loaded with food and he can’t eat any longer), or “DIY” which stands for “Do It Yourself” (tends to refer to home improvements), and ‘OMW’ which means ‘on my way’. A few instances of slang language that we use at work incorporate the term ‘9 to 5’, that points to the working hours.

Sexist or racist language could drastically and harmfully influence the efficiency of business communication as well as the feeling that the listeners get from and about the source. This kind of language is not acceptable in the business world because it would offend the individuals and would create unwanted problems. Many companies had added a clause regarding Sexist and racist language to the employees conduct rules to avoid using such language at work. Example, of racist language, incorporates alluding to certain ethnic gatherings utilizing certain slang words.

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Slang in Social Media. (2022, Apr 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/slang-in-social-media/

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