I am here to improve myself. That statement has a lot of meaning, more so than can be fully explained with that statement alone. It can be divided however, into three categories, learning how to gain knowledge, gaining more knowledge and most importantly how to use said knowledge. The beginning of a college education is becoming a learner, which so incidentally happens to be the title of Sanders novella.
This aspect of a college education is why we take connections. It is to set a groundwork that most people miss when attending a university. The reason it is missed is due to people believing that a college education is about the second part of improvement, gaining more knowledge, while missing the first and third aspects.
This beginning stage though is crucial to life long success. It is the process of learning how you go about improving yourself. Whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. The learning how is what makes you successful later on. The second part of college is the one that everyone is after, gaining more knowledge. This is the part where you take in all that knowledge that you have now surrounded yourself with in the first part. Its going to classes memorizing various things and understanding major topics of study that are crucial to your specific major of interest or career of interest. This is the part that everyone is after.
Thinking it is the piece that will set them apart in life. But the third is in my opinion the most crucial. Understanding what to do with all this knew knowledge. It is the critical thinking aspect of college that many miss. Critical thinking is what sets you apart from everyone else after college. It is what takes you to new heights in life. But these two things only last so long. When the knowledge you gained in college no longer applies to your life, that is when the process of improvement must restart back at stage one. But in truth all three of the aspect of a college education should be continuous as you progress through your life.
That is why we go to college. Next, lets look at the pieces that make up a degree. Firstly, you have your general education or your breadth classes which are very wide in scope but only scrap the surface of that field of study. Then you have your depth classes which dive deeper into a few areas of interest that you prefer. These are less broad than your breadth classes but dive a lot deeper into the field of study. Finally, you have your major classes. These are highly specific towards one area of study that you have chosen and are meant to cover just about every aspect of that specific field. The way these three aspects of a college degree interconnect is astounding.
First and foremost is the breadth and depth classes are to make your knowledge and skill set more rounded while also giving you insight into other majors that you may not have known about that you may end up enjoying more. Eventually leading to you switching your major. The other part is that all knowledge is interconnected in one way or another. For example, the physics of light refraction deals directly with painting.
So, if you were an artist an understanding of physics would make you a better artist. This interconnection of knowledge itself is why you go through the process of breadth and depth classes instead of just focusing on a major. Its passively teaching you to think critically. Where I line up in becoming a learner and in my degree is very simple. I am at the very beginning of understanding what it means too be a life long learning but my knowledge in my degree is ahead of that process. I am done with all of my breadth classes and am to depth and major areas of study. The setup of a college education helps the learning process by interconnection your field of study to everything else in life.