Pro Vaccination

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In 1998, Andrew Wakefield and his colleagues published a paper in the Lancet. His paper stated that there was a link between the MMR vaccinations and signs of early developmental disorder in children. The paper contained false information, and Wakefield was seen as a fraud. Wakefield’s paper was retracted, and he lost his medical license. The damage that these claims caused, sent a shockwave throughout the world. MMR vaccination rates plummeted as parents became fearful for their children. Even after twenty years, vaccinations and this study are still subject for debate on many public forums. Anti-vaccination groups have formed. Parents believe that early onset of autism is caused by early doses of vaccinations.

Many errors have been found in Wakefield’s study. Andrew Wakefield’s study only involved twelve children. With such a small sample size, it is easy to discover findings between unrelated items. He was also financially motivated. He had been funded by lawyers who were representing parents in lawsuits against vaccination companies. Wakefield was also accused of fraud. He performed investigations on the children without the necessary procedures. He picked and chose data that supported his findings. This subtly manipulated his desired outcome, while simultaneously misrepresenting his published data. The noticeable drop in vaccinations showed as a direct result of the autism link in the 1998 Wakefield study. These published findings correlated to the measles outbreak in 2008 and 2009.

Active immunity is naturally the ironclad defense out body has against disease. Some people may argue passionately that they “inject” you with the disease in the vaccination shot. The weakened form of the preventable disease will be vanquished by your body. The specific antigens will attack the detectable antibodies and are remembered precisely by the active memory T and B lymphocytes in your lymphatic system. Some anti-vaccinations groups claim that vaccinations, also, contains mercury. The specific form of mercury that they are most likely familiar with is known as, Methylmercury.

Methylmercury is a toxic form of mercury found in certain fish, and when received in severe levels can be toxic to typical humans. The specific form of mercury found in vaccinations is Thimerosal. Thimerosal, added to vaccinations, prevents the sustainable growth of infectious bacteria and fungi. Thimerosal is broken down easily in the human body and is safe for practical use in vaccinations. Even after the prompt removal of Thimerosal from childhood vaccinations, in 2001, autism rates have continued to rise.

Side effects from vaccinations, like mild fever, can typically occur as your body needs to properly build up an active immunity. A booster shot may also be needed, for preventable diseases like tetanus or whooping cough. Vaccinations do not cause mild autism in children or adults. In undeniable fact, Vaccinations not only merely defend the susceptible individual. They also defend a group or “herd’. Some vulnerable people, with certain allergies or immunosuppressive treatments, are unable to receive vaccinations. They rely on herd immunity. Vaccinations remain precisely the legitimate reason that we are genuinely protected from significant outbreaks of small pox or the Bubonic plague.

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Pro Vaccination. (2022, Feb 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/pro-vaccination/

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