Positive Thinking and Optimism as My Key Characteristics

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Everyone in the world has their own different characteristics. Those traits will have an influence (which influence) on how they see their life. But there is just one characteristic specifically defines who they are. I also have many traits such as honest, funny or generous. The personality that most describes me is my optimism, because it helps me have greater achievements, make me happier, and cheer up people around me.

First of all, I am more likely to reach my goals if I have a positive thinking. Optimistic attitude helps me to overcome difficulties, get motivated to move on and accomplish my target. From my personal experience, when I first moved to America, I had to face with many problems such as the language barrier, a new culture, and living far away from my parents.

I wanted to give up at the beginning but then I thought about the bright side of those problems like I will get used to it in a few months and living far away from my parents also makes my become a more responsible person. Through those positive thinking, I had more motivation(s) and put more effort(s) on studying English, learning about this new culture. Therefore, being an optimist helps me get through difficulties and step closer to my goals.

Moreover, happiness is the most important thing to me, and optimism makes me become a happier person. I really like the book that I have read named The Optimism Bias, it is about when failure occurs, you should look at its good side, turn it into the opportunity to accomplish your purpose. Then your life will be satisfied and joyful because you are just looking at positive aspects of problems and you will not be frustrated. For instance, whenever I get a low score on the exam or my study projects are not as good as I expected, I never think of it as a failure.

As a positive thinker, I think it just a challenge for me, I have to overcome it and improve my study’s skills. I can also learn from my experience and not making those mistakes again. My happiness is usually depended on my thoughts so I always try to keep optimistic attitude with me all the time. Optimism will help me to release my stress and bring me joy.

Finally, I absolutely have the ability to cheer up people around me, and also improve my relationships when I am a positive thinker. For example, my best friend is upset because she just had an argument with her boyfriend. I can comfort her by giving her some positive advice such as how a conversation should be to resolve that problem, telling some funny stories or hanging out with her. In addition, I can also enhance my friendships because when I try to cheer my friends up or make them happy, they will feel that I do care about them a lot and I am a true friend. Most people want to be surrounded by positive people because this is the chance for them to become a positive thinker, and a happier person.

In conclusion, life will be easier and more enjoyable if you have a positive outlook. Although sometimes tough situations may come to your life but you can easily push yourself forward to reach and succeed in life by looking at positive aspects of problems. Furthermore, you should believe in yourself and your abilities and hope that good things will come to you in the future. And being an optimist can help you do that, can make your dreams come true.


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Positive Thinking and Optimism as My Key Characteristics. (2021, May 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/positive-thinking-and-optimism-as-my-key-characteristics/

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