Fine Line Between Optimism and Reality Argumentative Essay

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Reality and optimism are quite similar, but also each very unique. They each have close relations, yet both mean two completely different things. Let us start off with reality for an example. The proper definition for realism is “The attitude or practice of accepting a situation as it is and being prepared to deal with it accordingly.” This explains that a person who sees and believes in reality over all other such as optimism or pessimism views the world as for what it is and not for the hopes of what it could be or the doubt of what will happen.

The word optimism is defined as “Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something.” This is explained as seeing the best possible outcome for every situation. Even though this seems to be a good trait in a person it can also be one of the worst traits. Seeing the best out of every situation can lead one to think that everything will turn up well, but when that situation turns up in a bad manner the normal reaction is to shutdown or shut out all other things until that issue is resolved in a happier way. What is trying to be said here is there is quite a fine line between optimism and reality.

The difference between both of these views are one of which is based on facts and seeing which is actually happening and basing the future outcome on the present state while the other is based on hopes for what will happen in the future. These two views should never be interpreted as being similar for they are quite different. The proper way on where to draw the line for if realism and optimism are different is how understanding and believing what will happen within one’s future and the differences between knowledge and just happiness.

The similarities for both optimism and reality are few. But, there are similarities which include that they both are in one’s mind as a feeling, thought, or belief. Also, they both include the state of past, present, or future and both include the conflict of reasoning and chance. The few similarities that they both share help prove the point that there is a fine line between reality and optimism.

From personal experience of dealing with problems I usually am a realist. Using realism to figure out and resolve problems is in personal opinion the best way to find a resolution. This opinion is based on how dealing with the problem by using realism makes the problem solving much faster than sitting back and approaching the problem with optimism and hoping the outcome is a good one. Also, using reality instead of optimism there will be less disappointment due to reality you expect for things to end up based on facts and optimism you expect things to always turn up good.

Personal gain from thinking with both optimism and reality are abilities of thought and control of such thought. The thought process from being an optimist is not being able to control the reaction to a situations ending, but also being able to mostly be happy with one’s everyday life much easier then someone who fears the worst from everything. While, being a realist the reaction is less dramatic because the outcome was more expected, and most likely one is to usually able to think out any situation completely with experience and thought and are even more abilitized with capability over others.


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Fine Line Between Optimism and Reality Argumentative Essay. (2020, Dec 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/fine-line-between-optimism-and-reality/



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An optimist is characterized by having a positive outlook on life, the ability to find opportunities in challenges, and the belief that things will work out in the end. They tend to see the best in people and situations, and they are resilient in the face of adversity.
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