Positive Effects of Globalization

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“Globalization has changed us into a company that searches the world, not just to sell or to source, but to find intellectual capital – the world’s best talents and greatest ideas.” said Jack Welch. As we all know, Globalization is the way countries and people of the world interact. Globalization has a big impact to all of us; as individual, community or even to our country. Globalization is widely discussed topic that’s why each day something new happen. As we can see, each year new skills and knowledge develops because of Globalization. The country with lack experiences or knowledge can be a progressive country with the help of other country because of the intelligence they have.

Even in politically, health, or educationally they can discuss it as one so that they can have good decisions for the people especially for the future. Here comes the unity as a Globalization implemented. But not all the time globalization can be good for us. It can affect us as individual as we socialize to others.  Also, as a developing country it is hard to follow the other country with their advance knowledge, rather the technology they have. As we discuss how globalization can be powerful force that can change the world and the lives within it very rapidly.

Globalization has a big impact to our culture and politics. Different identities, different culture can affect the beliefs of many. Each country has specialization such as cultural specialism and universalizing character. Cultural imperialism in form of cultural integration and similarity and with the use of media and communications technology as medium it dominates on all the world and specific on culture of non-development countries. Development countries, due to have high level or standards of economic and technology, create and propagate a special cultural discourse and catch their goals by multinational corporations.

Because of this they can do such thing to develop their skills and knowledge. This kind of propaganda can serve as help for the non-development country. The supplies and factors of identity are making identity by different elements; by traditional advantages, sensation and sentimental, connection of thoughts, and correlation to power relations. That’s why the globalization has several evolution implemented for politics, one of this is democracy. According to different experts, the indirect democracy disports to current democracy and multiracial and associative democracy. Different benefits of having a democracy as a country; Freewill to elect with equal power, liberally decision making power of representations, Political and social equal opportunity for all citizens and many more.

Because of democracy we have equal opportunity as a community based on the law it called human rights. The global culture of human rights emphasizes on this issue that everyone in different status has right which should be immunity of unjustifiable disturbance of states and global power. Freedom is one important value or practices that need to achieve human rights because without freedom we cannot attain the goal of having a democracy society as we interact with other country of sharing knowledge.

Globalization is the answer for the challenge to public health, especially in developing countries, but the relation between globalization and health are complex. There are advantages and dis advantages of having globalization in terms of health system. The positive effect is that through Globalization and through the developed trading systems, medicines and health care from other countries may be given or be traded to those countries who have none and are asking for needs, especially among their society.

While the globalization of health care offers tremendous possibilities for good, such as a rapid response to different disease, it also can give alert to a new concern, such as a quicker spread of disease. In dis advantage one major problem is the increasing internationalization of health risks. The negative effect is that it can pass sickness through people migrating or going to other countries to make trades and investments. Another, Poor countries may find it hard to develop the capacity and contacts needed to take part in international investment or trade.

The most important thing in the world is the Education. There are effects brought by Globalization on Education. The Global education interconnects different methods of teaching from different systems worldwide to encourage the international development of environmental sustainability, also as contribution toward to our global industries which can help for the future development. Sharing of knowledge through advance technology can really help. But not all schools can afford a high standards of education system in terms of equipment and other stuff needed.

With the help of the other countries we can develop the education system especially in our society today. Globalization and education integrated to affect one another through interactive goals for preparing youth for their successful futures which can affect their nations development. It enhances the student’s ability to acquire and utilize knowledge. Globalization develop the talents and skills of learners to access, adopt, and apply knowledge, to think independently to exercise appropriate judgment and to speak with others to form a great decision for the future. Because of this many opportunities will come for our future generations.

To conclude, Globalization really change the system of our society especially in today generation. Despite there are some disadvantages of getting Globalization although many are still positive impacts for us sake. To avoid the negative impact, we should always analyze carefully whether it’s good for us or not for us to be suitable for that specific issue. Globalization there are many changes in several sections of our government system due to having globalization. Thus, it really helps us to develop our country as time flies. Having Globalization creates a union for each country. It shows unity whenever there’s trials or problems even in developing one country to a different through communication. Globalization are often a spark of peace which results in great and peaceful world.

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Positive Effects of Globalization. (2020, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/positive-effects-of-globalization/

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