Personal Statement about Embracing Two Starkly Different Cultures

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Throughout elementary school, a box of crayons has always been the favorite item on my school list. Every year I wanted the most vibrant, colorful crayons. However, I never thought that I would learn the most important life lesson from these simple drawing utensils. It began as a simple assignment during elementary school. My teacher handed each student one piece of construction paper and directed us to choose any crayon(s) and draw a picture. When we were done, she displayed all the pictures and asked the class, “Which do you like best?”

In unison, almost as if it were planned, the class responded, The picture with the different colors!” “Why?” She persisted, until someone said “Those with the one color are boring while the one with many colors is more exciting.” Cleverly, she explained that the one student who was different used multiple crayons, created a beautiful, unique drawing. Up to that moment I always thought it was a bad thing to be different, but my teacher’s explanation made me realize that being different and combining various things could produce desirable results. From then on I embraced my two starkly different cultures: my Coptic Orthodox religious community and my USA secular community. Balancing these cultures while growing up has been difficult for me. Being brought up in the Coptic Orthodox Community, I had stricter rules, different values and celebrations and even holidays that did not coincide with those of my peers. Yet somehow I had to be their friend, not be embarrassed and still be my parents sheltered daughter.

As if those challenges were not enough, I later became the captain of a diverse girls basketball team on which members from several dominations, and mny school played. Players did not immediately understand each other’s perspectives and restrictions; therefore, I frequently had to be the mediator among them. By trial and error, I taught them to leam about each other, accept differences and eventually operate as a family. Not only did we start winning more games, but also, this motley crew continues to be friends even now. Being captain allowed me to learn more about all of us, discover who I truly am and who I want to become. Not only have I gaineda diverse experience from managing the basketball team but also, organizing a youth volunteer service. The program, FTFT, requires people to sacrifice their time to serve in a soup kitchen. Living in a middle class environment where food and shelter is always available, I always assumed everyone else had the samne opportunities.

So I was surprised at the extent of the huger and homelessness. However, once I met those who needed help, understood their hardships, I constantly found ways to make their lives better. Instead of merely serving food, I sometimes even helped children do their homework. What began as an obligation grew to a situation where both sides benefited. Because Rutgers University is only five minutes from my hometown, I know it has a diverse population and offers multiple extracurricular activities. As someone who has experienced being different, bringing various groups together, and even enjoy being of service, it excites me to find a place like Rutgers. There I expect to discover new pursuits and interests that will better prepare me for an increasingly diverse workforce. Although my path might be filled with challenges, I will be ready to overcome them and later operate as a valuable member of my society.

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Personal Statement about Embracing Two Starkly Different Cultures. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/personal-statement-about-embracing-two-starkly-different-cultures/

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