Odysseus as an Epic Hero in The Odyssey

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The Odyssey is the second epic written by Homer. Odysseus was torn away from his homeland, Ithaca, and he wanted to return home after the Trojan War. Known as a heroic figure, the King of Ithaca and an epic hero. When he was once frayed away from Ithaca, he had to leave his people, family included in order to fight in the Trojan War. On his way home he encountered many obstacles, monsters and other creatures. He eventually returns home from his long trip domestic 20 years later; to discover suitors had been making an effort to take his home and wife. Most people will say that Penelope had it tough being all alone by herself for 20 years not knowing if Odysseus would ever return, but Odysseus never knew if he would make it to live through the following day. Odysseus suffered way more than Penelope when he was taken to Troy to fight in the Trojan war.

Throughout the epic, Odysseus has to go through many obstacles and overcome many challenges. During these obstacles he shows how brave of a hero he is and how much family really does mean to him because at the end of the day everything he does is to be able to get back home. Now if that is not an epic hero then I do not know what is.

Deception as a Comic Device in the ‘Odyssey’ by Reynold Z. Burrows

This source talks about how much and how often deception is used throughout the epic. It said, “But Odysseus seems most the thinking man, when he is most the deceiving man” (Deception 34). It also mentions how the Odyssey may be linked to a comedy. This epic and the way it uses deception is what makes the book so good because I’m starting to think about if you take out all of the deception within the book that it would completely change how you view everyone in the epic. Even the gods in the epic practiced deception, for instance “Athena’s assumption of the form of Mentor and Mentes in the Odyssey” (Deception 35). Us the reader obviously knew that is was Athena, but she was being shown as someone else which as the reader you needed to make sure you were paying attention to that.

The Expression of Sarcasm in the ‘Odyssey’ by Elizabeth Minchin

This source mentions how much sarcasm is used throughout the reading of the Odyssey. This includes different meanings of sarcasm as well. Sarcasm used in this epic was shocking because when reading it I wouldn’t say I seen sarcasm but after reading this source it changed my view of it. When it comes to sarcasm not everyone can use it because sometimes, they are too high of a rank meaning they are above doing that, or even their social status and or gender (Sarcasm 536). Also, when it comes to sarcasm there is a right time to use it like if you are in a serious moment or serious talk with someone obviously you should not use sarcasm but if it is not serious then maybe that would be the time for it.

It talks about how in the first half of the Odyssey that Odysseus or Telemachos had the seniority to use any type of sarcasm. But after Odysseus’s return to Ithaka you see sarcasm used at him, (Euryalos’ remarks to Odysseus amongst the Phaiakians hint at the hostility and mockery to come, when Odysseus is reduced even further, to the beggar status in his palace” (Sarcasm 539). Odysseus also displayed sarcasm in the epis when he declines the invitation the Phaiakians sent to him by saying he was too burdened with care and more worried about his return to his homeland rather than participate in their celebration (Sarcasm 539).

Odysseus pride was sometimes too much and caused problems. After Odysseus effectively blinds the Cyclops, Polyphemus, he and his men have about gotten away from the island when Odysseus chooses to express to the beast his true name. (Odysseus had lately told the beast that his name was ‘No one.’) He wishes Polyphemus to have the choice to inform individuals who it is that bested him; nonetheless, Polyphemus as a substitute makes use of his actual name to go to his dad, Poseidon, to make Odysseus’ tour domestic unimaginable, or maybe amazingly troublesome.

Had Odysseus now not told the beast his actual name, nearly certainly, he would have returned home undeniably quicker in mild of the truth that Poseidon would not understand who to rebuff for blinding his child. There were many instances that made me realize that Odysseus pride sometimes took over his whole thought process and made rational decisions that were not necessarily the best decisions for him and his crew. Anyone’s pride can cause them to make rash decisions at times, but in your head you think you are doing what is best at that time and sometimes it is and sometimes it is not but I would rather have someone with too much pride than no pride at all.

Throughout the epic is really shows the value of family, this includes friends or blood relatives. The whole reason Odysseus made it through all the challenges and obstacles is because he wanted to get back to his home and be with his family, family was his motivation. I really valued how much he cared about his family and friends. This was something I could relate to because if you realize everything, he does good or bad was for his family and for him to find his way back to them and who would not do anything for family. No matter if it was back in the older days or now, family was always the major focus when it comes to doing anything.

Throughout the Odyssey, the Gods play a necessary position in the development of the story. They continuously discover motives to get involved in the non-public life of essential characters, such as Odysseus and Telemachus. Whether it is Athena making an attempt to assist Odysseus get back domestic to Ithaca or Poseidon, who tries to get revenge on Odysseus for injuring his son, the gods go away their mark at some stage in the story. I trust the Gods solely engage with humans due to the fact they need to experience recognized for their accomplishments and their power.

You always wondered how powerful and strong god really are and this epis novel shows you just that god honestly manipulated this whole epic and mad what they wanted to happen; happen. This is why I knew Odysseus would get passed all the obstacles thrown his way and make it back to his family because he was liked by the gods and in his case was the key to his resilience and devotion and drive that he kept within himself to make it back to the ones he loved most.

In conclusion, Odysseus may well be a hero thanks to his undying dependability to family and teammates. Odysseus was confronted with numerous challenges, his gallant activities amid the Trojan War and his travel back to his family made a difference gradually structure himself because the hero he was forecasted as. So, in Odysseus story his drive was his family now think about what may drive or motivate you.


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Odysseus as an Epic Hero in The Odyssey. (2022, Feb 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/odysseus-as-an-epic-hero-in-the-odyssey/

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