My Source of Motivation as an Aspiring Business Leader and Why I Look Forward to Undertaking an MBA

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The Buddha once said, “Happiness comes when your work and words are of benefit to yourself and others.” As an ambitious, wholehearted emerging leader, these words shine through my work, personality and character. My zealous dedication to the dream of becoming a female business motivational icon for female CEO’s or aspiring CEO’s is strongly evident in my stout work ethic, integrity and competency. As an aspiring business leader, my highest desire is to bring my knowledge, experience and ability to those in need of help regarding managing, employees or overall business in a way that is beneficial to them, their employees and the company. These are the essential properties that permeate my vision and qualities, which I pursue to share with the world.

I am a graduate of The Culinary Institute of America, a fellow MIT and Staff of The Culinary Institute of America and believe that the opportunities, experiences and glorious encounters I have partaken in showcases true leadership qualities. As an avid volunteer, and supporter of help I was able to utilize my abilities and headship skills to attend Nicaragua to learn about the business of Fair Trade or Direct Trade Coffee with Counter Culture Coffee and in turn educate New York and The Culinary Institute of America about such business. Along the path of help, I am a volunteer for Miles for Hope and Make a Wish Foundation in the areas of registration, creating connections, and making requests for Marathons functional and safe for the public and the athletes. My experience in such events and cultures taught me the importance of volunteerism and the true value that any type of help, time or smile offered is worth more than millions.

Business is a major that has always led my educational focus and long term goals since I entered college and found my life niche. When staying in the mountains in Nicaragua, with no electricity or technology, I only had my thoughts and myself. I would replay in my head, what makes my students, my employees, and the farmers in Nicaragua happy as a result my actions and our relationship. It led me to understand the utmost importance on how to properly acknowledge a human being and how to suitably lead and manage an individual that is beneficial to both parties. I have learned to perceive and value greatness and potential in every one. It only takes one person to make a difference. An MBA will introduce me to the knowledge, environment, and tools that will extend the possibilities and way to how I can make a difference.

When it comes to stout and keen work ethic, I believe that being happy, truly humble, courageous and ambitious are the keys to success in any given path. I feel that 1 am an exemplary and dedicated worker, although my educational and employment background is directly tied to a culinary career, if it wasn’t for my decision to dedicate 4 years to such an experience I would have never found my self and my true purpose in life. I am avid believer everything happens for a reason whether it brings a success or failure, because at the end of the day it will all work out. My life surrounds it self with a healthy atmosphere, sports, hobbies, and admiration to life. What I seek from an MBA program is the opportunity to learn and practice in a supportive and inspirational environment. I look forward to exceeding the expectations of the program through hard work and passionate dedication; with open arms and smile on my face, I welcome the next stage of my life: Master’s in Business Administration.

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My Source of Motivation as an Aspiring Business Leader and Why I Look Forward to Undertaking an MBA. (2023, Mar 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-source-of-motivation-as-an-aspiring-business-leader-and-why-i-look-forward-to-undertaking-an-mba/

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