My Personal and Professional Gains from the Wharton MBA

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What do you hope to gain both personally and professionally from the Wharton MBA? 

“Good morning, Anna. Did you sleep well? How about some stretching exercises followed by a short walk outside?” Anna has down syndrome. The health wearable around her wrist monitors her activity and gives regular encouragement to exercise.

My vision is to found a company that will help people with mental disorder stay fit. This goal is deeply personal, as mom has almost ceased long-enjoyed walking activities after suffering from dementia at age 55. Despite her healthy physical condition, she requires a stimulus to become active. Watching her struggle encouraged my passion to launch a business which will develop and market an easy-to-use wearable that will stimulate the physical activity of individuals with mental disabilities through a simple prompt. The success of this endeavor will help my mom and others retain their mobility and vitality despite mental challenges.

My professional background gave me a good foundation for this vision. At Bain I developed a successful mobile application for a health insurance client that motivated customers, through a bonus scheme, to pursue an active, healthconscious lifestyle. Wharton’s excellent academics, talented pool of students, and emphasis on thoughtful leadership will provide me with the additional experience and knowledge I need to extend this program beyond the young and active to the sedentary and disabled, making my vision reality.

Building the Academic Foundation

I have engaged in multiple entrepreneurial activities at university and gained a solid business sense at Bain. At Wharton I hope to continue refining my entrepreneurial skills. By blending Karl Ulrich’s “Technology Strategy,” Ian MacMillan’s “Social Entrepreneurship,” and Gary Kurtzman’s “Health Care Entrepreneurship,” I hope to develop a solid business strategy alongside a compelling business plan. Moreover, I am aware of Wharton’s unparalleled quantitative research and teaching. I aim to take Peter Fader’s “Applied Probability Models in Marketing” and perform rigorous analysis of users’ activity data.

Setting up the Team

Ultimately people determine business success. With Wharton bringing together 800 ambitious and skilled, students from all over the world, I hope to find a team of co-founders with complementary strengths. I am eager to engage in the eClub and to challenge myself during the VIP and Business Plan Competition, adding to Wharton’s impressive history of successful entrepreneurs.

Becoming a Thoughtful Leader

I plan to found my company at Wharton. Having led and mentored experienced colleagues and clients at Bain, I will endeavor to use the next 2 years to refine my leadership qualities and become a thoughtful business leader. Wharton’s unique leadership program will enable me serve as a facilitator and empower my team for success. I hope to take Adam Grant’s “Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership” and John MacDuffie’s “Management of Emerging Enterprises,” applying learnings in leading positions at the WGA and Roadrunners & Triathletes Club.

Having spoken to a number of successful Wharton alumni, I am confident Wharton will be the perfect place to refine both personal qualities and professional skills. I sincerely wish to actively pursue my dream by enrolling the Wharton MBA program.

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My Personal and Professional Gains from the Wharton MBA. (2023, Mar 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-personal-and-professional-gains-from-the-wharton-mba/

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