Mental Depression As a Scientific Factor

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Why is teenage suicide on the rise: In todays, stressful society suicide is an issue that teenagers are confronted Within their lives. There are many reasons for the growing number of teenage SulCldeS are depression low self-esteem. and the affection of rock music lyrics. While there are many causes, these three appear to be the most prevalent in todays societyt Mental depression is becoming a scientific factor that may be biologically related to teenage suicides. Recent research related to abnormalities in the brainés neurotransmitting systems These neurotransmitters are composed of a chemical compound called amines. Amines convey information from one nerve cell to another. If there is an imbalance of amines, the central nervous system could be affected.

Thus. symptoms of depression could be produced from the imbalance of amines. although scientists are still studying the biological affects on teenage suicide, it is clear that depression. on a psychological level, is a cause of teenage suicides. Low self-esteem is another cause of teenage suicides. There are many reasons people have low self-esteem; In students can affect a teenagers self esteem. One way is through verbal abuse. Name calling and group attacking of a teens appearance or intelligence can drastically affect their self-esteem. a teenagers sell-esteem can also be lower at home. Unsupportive parents or parents who simply ignore their children can make them feel unimportant and unloved. This leads to a low perception of oneself. When a teenager feels they have nothing to offer themselves or anybody else,such as their parents they sometimes resort to suicide. A third, and relatively new. cause of teenage suicides is rock music. During some teenagers lives, rock music is very influential.

The lyrics and overall tone that is conveyed can drastically persuade a teenOs view on life, One example is 01 teens from Nevade. In December 1935 they listened to Judas Priest for six hours. Afterwards they went to a church and shot themselves in the head. The parents filed a lawsuit against Judas Priest, but lost. Therefore. it is Important that parents try to keep communication lines open between them and their children. This may help to prevent misconception at music. it is important to be aware of the causes of warning signs of teenage suicide in order to prevent it, Depression, low self-esteem and affection of rock music lyrics are Just some of the reasons teenagers commit suicide. This year more that 10000 American teenagers and young adults will take their own lives and perhaps 50 times that number Will make serious but unsuccessful attempts to do so. As a result, professionals confront a number of questions to which there are only partial answers at present.

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Mental Depression As a Scientific Factor. (2022, Dec 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/mental-depression-as-a-scientific-factor/

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