Loneliness vs Sadness

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In this Modern day in age a world full of technology and social media it sometimes makes you feel alone. Too many people that wouldn’t make any sense because online you can connect all over the world. Social media is a platform that most teens and adults use on a daily. They use it to connect to people they have lost touch with or just to simply connect with friends. Based on healthlines.com “It’s estimated that 16.2 million adults in the United States, or 6.7 percent of American adults, have had at least one major depressive episode in a given year.” An increased number ever since social media (based on the study) .While loneliness and sadness are signs of depression, the difference between the two are often misinterpreted because of today’s stigma on mental health.

A person can relate the feeling of being sad as depression when in fact sadness can go away within time. But because sadness is a symptom of depression, we assume one is in a depressive state in their life’s. Sadness can happen in breakup or just simply grieving a loss. When someone should worry is if the sadness doesn’t go away, and it lingers. That’s when sadness turns into depression or loneliness. Sadness is depression symptom, but it is also a natural feeling to pain. Based on A mental health article on psychcentral.com “When we think of depression as the same as sadness, we minimize the illness. We don’t realize the many other debilitating symptoms depression creates. We expect people to get over it quickly. But people with depression don’t. (In order to be diagnosed with depression, you must experience symptoms for at least two weeks.)”

Humans always do better with other human connection, when people get older things tend to change. As someone gets older family or friends may have passed away or moved and you can feel lonely as time goes by. It is easier if we identify what is making someone feel lonely is it because someone is grieve a lost or not having company around. Identifying the problem will tell you how serious the loneliness is. As read on VeryWellMind.com “loneliness is actually a state of mind. Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people.’ You can connect on social media, being in someone’s presents isn’t a big deal because with social media a simple comment can feel like you reached out. Some Individuals can be around a person all day or even have a relationship and still feel lonely. That’s because loneliness comes from the inside, which seeking medical attention can help you in the long run. It is a proven fact that loneliness can cause heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and arthritis. Lonely people also are a threat to Alzheimer’s disease.

Social media is a platform that most teens and adults use on a daily. They use it to connect to people they have lost touch with or just to simply connect with friends. Loneliness is a sign of depression just like sadness but if you’re feeling lonely its usually because you feel misunderstood or out of touch. You can be around a group of people and still feel alone inside. Teens and adults compare their lives to others who portray them self’s as happy on their social media but that’s not usually how they feel Inside. Many people who commit suicide say they have felt alone for a long time often do not realize how much people in the world feel the same way. Cofounder of social neuroscience Dr. John Cacioppo says, “Lonely adults consume more alcohol and get less exercise than those who are not lonely. Their diet is higher in fat, their sleep is less efficient, and they report more daytime fatigue. Loneliness also disrupts the regulation of cellular processes deep within the body, predisposing us to premature aging.”

The stigma one might face refers to the negative believes about someone who is struggling with their meant health. Sadness is easier to talk about, we can define the problem on what is causing the feeling but when it comes to loneliness one might not even know what is causing them to feel isolated. Knowing the difference between the two is very important because of today’s stigma many will face discriminations. It has even effected people from going to doctors or therapist to seek get help because of the judgement.


  1. “It’s estimated that 16.2 million adults in the United States, or 6.7 percent of American adults, have had at least one major depressive episode in a given year.”- https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/facts-statistics-infographic#1
  2. “loneliness is actually a state of mind. Loneliness causes people to feel empty, alone, and unwanted. People who are lonely often crave human contact, but their state of mind makes it more difficult to form connections with other people.’https://www.verywellmind.com/loneliness-causes-effects-and-treatments-2795749
  3.  “When we think of depression as the same as sadness, we minimize the illness. We don’t realize the many other debilitating symptoms depression creates. We expect people to get over it quickly. But people with depression don’t. (In order to be diagnosed with depression, you must experience symptoms for at least two weeks.)” https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/loneliness

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Loneliness vs Sadness. (2021, Oct 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/loneliness-vs-sadness/

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