Levels of Anxiety and Depression, Especially Among Adolescents and Young Adults

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The reason why people do often register on social networks in order to be online, stay connected, shrink distance and communicate with each other,. Nevertheless, social media possesses not only positive implication on the life of users. Actually, social media use may cause negative consequences rather than unity individuals from different continents The following study will conduct the thorough analysis of the social isolation of individuals as a result of their prolong activities and pseudo-communication at social media, The focus will be aimed at proving that the social media appears to be a source of a gap in understanding among its users by means of an established illusion of connection and social support. Firstly, one of the negative features of social media is that it can distract users from reality. Specifically, people are involved in the particular atmosphere which frequently makes them disappointed in terms of real life, their desires, and values.

In accordance with Boyd’s (2007) statement, teenagers usually complain that they have no time to achieve high academic results as well as be successful in arts or sports. Actually, poor performance is likely caused by the excessive involvement in the social media. Thus, due to regular online communication, the ability to focus on something particular notably decreases Moreover, users never center on concrete information Instead, they just flip it through in order to see more and stay engaged owing to the increased amount of information, Besides, when the real life becomes more complicated than people anticipate, they begin to hide in the online world Hence, the distraction from reality generates an issue related to social improvement and contributes to social isolation Further, Bryant and Sanders (2006) provide a profound analysis of the current situation in a social media, aiming on such social networks as Instagram, Facebook and causal message receiving systems.

They came with a conclusion that the rate of time spending in these social media, no matter if communicating or reviewing the content, correlates wit the rate of anxiety and depression, expecially in teenage and young adult demographics The reason why this correlation are theoretically unclear: the additional researc is needed to clarify if the time—spending in the environment that merely models and actual communication causes the depression, or if the social media as an entity attracts people with already existing problems with communication, Nevertheless, Bryant and Sanders, following their observation, come with the hypotheses on the reasons of this situation, Firstly, the communication thoughout social media does not provide a satisfying emotional response on a cognitive leve, The problem with this kind of a communication is that the participator does not receive an information about the emotional state of his or her dialogue panner, such as facial expression, gestures, voice tone, etc.

This causes the need to model this data by use of imagination, however, an unconsciouss nature of this modeling gives the subject to receive the impression that this kind of communication has a capacity to substitute the real one, while really it just does not. Next, people often attempt to look better than they are while using the social media. Therefore, they strive for perfection in the eyes of others while the reality smashes their expectations According to Turkle (2011), it is common for teens to post pictures of beverages, food, pets, parties, friends or new clothing on their social network pages. However, such pictures frequently distort the reality. In most cases, these posts are more optimistic and less realistic regarding the income, actual means or interest of users Besides, they tend to compete to become the best in some aspects. For instance, teenagers often post pictures that contradict legal capabilities or their stage of development.

The photos of midnight walks, alcoholic drinks, or weekends spent without parents are not always real and meant to create an illustration of the independence. Nonetheless, such posts are dangerous for the understanding of self, real social ties, and own capabilities. Every lie which is put on the social network usually becomes uncovered in the offline world, leading to depression, disappointment, and other psychological anxieties. The wrong perception of own capabilities, weaknesses and power turns into a great issue for individuals, who are on the way of understanding the vacation in life. This feature, though, might be also a benefit. According to Trukle (2011), social networks provide a proper base for teenagers and children to learn (p. 31). This education regards the practical experience of building social ties from ones obtained on the network.

Furthermore, the delusion of the high standard self—image can motivate individuals to obtain the desired conditions in real life. Hence, the accumulated illusion may become a reality with the desire of the person involved. Each problem has both negative and positive sides. It is important to acknowledge both effects of this issue to understand and to treat it correctly. The illusionary social bonds are recognized as the most severe issues of social networks Greenfield and Subrahmanyam (2008) state that owing excessive involvement in virtual world forms gaps in understanding among peers in real life (p. 119). People learn how to manage their lives and relationships with other people by means of practical experience and regular communication. There is no point in communicating on the web all day long if in the reality people try to find simple support.

Hence, the study described by the authors appears to be important since it demonstrates the lack of ability to cooperate and find common ground as adults when using social networks more than communicating offline. In conclusion, social media creates nothing but illusions of social life. The isolation that individuals face because of excessive web involvement may lead to negative consequences There might be no connection between friendship in real life and companionship on social networks, People may lose their understanding of self by posting images and photos that do not correlate with their interests or reality. Furthermore, the social media components alienate the users from feeling of privacy and self-sustainability. There should be privacy and intimacy in each emotional competence and individual’s life as it contributes to psychological stability. In addition, there should be a reasonable balance in everything performed by people, especially concidering the issue of exploitation of social media as the excessive application which can lead to isolation from reality.

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Levels of Anxiety and Depression, Especially Among Adolescents and Young Adults. (2022, Dec 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/levels-of-anxiety-and-depression-especially-among-adolescents-and-young-adults/

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