Invention of Sewing Machine, Transportation and the Internet

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Thoughout the history many inventions were created and made our lives easier. For example the invention of sewing machine, transportation and the internet are some of the important things up to now because it impacted our lives more than it should. It helped a lot of people and made things easier for them to make clothing, transport to other places and it also made communicating more faster and reasonable.

Before the sewing machine was invented, paleontologists believe that people thoughout Europe and Asia sewed fur and skin clothing using bone. On 1830, the first functional sewing machine was invented by Barthelemy Thimmonier. His sewing machine only contains one thread and a hooked needle. Not only did the sewing machine helped us with making clothes but it also made a big impact which is making big business for people back then up to now. It made sewing easier for women who sew clothes for their families. Instead of women spending all day sewing clothes, they were able to just buy cheap clothes and do another chore.

In the 17th and 18th century, many transportations were invented that helped economic and society in different ways. Bicycles, trains, motor cars, trucks and airplanes were invented that we still use now. At the year 1906, the first car was developed that had an internal combustion engine. This generation, any transportation is considered easy. We don’t struggle and it is no hussle for us to be traveling from point A to point B. But what about the people who had no easy access to traveling? It was their more struggle. People had to walk thousands of miles just to get where they need to go. There were many people who also rode horses and camels to travel but it took them days. However after the cars and such were invented, things became easier and a lot more reasonable.

The invention of the internet is probably considered one of the most important inventions throughout history. Not only did it give us access to the web but it made communicating with the loved ones with this invention. Before the internet was even created, they were only able to send mails to homes or wherever they wanted to send it. ARPANET adopted TCP/IP on the year 1983. Ever since the “network of networks” were discovered, they made something more recognizable form in 1990 when all computer scientists invented the world wide web. Although the internet ruined society now because everything is too depended on it. There are no more socializing without internet.

The people who created these three inventions impacted our lives differently now, because without their greatly invention. We would be struggling to do certain things and we would have a hard time making clothes, travel and communicate. They allowed us to be more advanced and to help the economy and helped businesses grow so much bigger. There are many more inventions that have been created but these are the three inventions i’ve chosen.

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Invention of Sewing Machine, Transportation and the Internet. (2021, May 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/invention-of-sewing-machine-transportation-and-the-internet/

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