Intro to Criminal Justice

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Ethical behaviors that were present during police corruption in Chicago included, honesty, justice and most importantly bravery. All things considered a duty of a officer is to serve the community, protect the innocent against deception. Ethical challenges face by the criminal justice professionals. According to an article, ethics in law enforcement and policing, “A single disreputable act committed by a single unprofessional officer can impact the entire profession. At the end of the day, all police officers look and act the same in the eyes of the average citizen. An important thing for officers to remember is that what they do in uniform affects not only themselves as individuals, but their entire agency and, perhaps, the entire profession”(Roufa 2019). In other word the author is trying to say that; that a single mistake that is done by a officer can impact their profession.

Potential result of unethical behavior were considered as excessive use of force, misuse of public office, abuse of authority. While reading, many unethical behaviors were shown. According to the reading , the author made it clear that, “ The accelerating pace of public-housing demolitions, it appeared, was destabilizing things not only for the gangs but also for corrupt police who fed on the drug trade. As the buildings came down, the “careful and calculating” Watts, as Spalding once described him, and his team were becoming increasingly reckless” (kalven, 2016). In other words police officers were definitely not following the code of ethics that has to be followed. Most Importantly, unethical behavior is what caused the police corruption in the Chicago police department.

There are several options when it comes to facing ethical dilemmas; according to BCcampus , they make it clear that its very important to “Establish the facts surrounding the ethical dilemma. Facts are important in law enforcement. To investigate all cases, officers must rely on facts to guard against misinformation and cognitive biases” (Evans & MacMillan, 2014). In other words, having facts to back up what you are trying to say, is very important when it comes to the law enforcement. In addition the author continues saying that, “ Consider normative ethical theories as an aide to determine a course of action. When considering options, normative ethical theories may assist us in determining the consequences of actions, or the duties we may be obligated to follow that fall outside of the laws, rules, and procedures” (Evans & MacMillan, 2014). What the writer to trying to tell us, is that its Important to follow procedures or rules to be able to solve a dilemma. All things considered, not only will these options help you face ethical dilemmas, but will keep you in a professional environment. It’s always important to keep your self professional when it comes to these types of challenges in the law enforcement.

Various Criminal justice agencies and other organizations such as the FBI. The FBI was a very important agency In this situation. According to the reading, the writer made it clear that, “When Spalding and Echeverria filed their lawsuit in the fall of 2012, they had an immediate aim. They hoped that, whatever the ultimate outcome of the suit, the fact of a pending case would serve to deter the retaliation against them that had only intensified after the conclusion of Operation Brass Tax, a joint investigation conducted with the FBI into a drug ring controlled by longtime Chicago police officer Ronald Watts” (Kalven, 2016). The FBI had a very important play in this corruption form trying to find out who’s involved to how they are doing it. Management was not the best in this situation, their was cover-up that they didn’t want to let out. Improvement to agencies and management should be made; I think unethical behavior was shown and the superintendent should’ve told the truth and such a corruption, would of never took place.

Causes such as the lack of ethical behavior that were being shown with the law enforcement officers were. According to the passage, the writer made it clear that, “Within police departments, it’s often well-known that some cops break the rules. In the Chicago Police Department, it was an “open secret” that Purge and his crew extracted confessions using illegal means. Far less serious conduct, such as a reputation for pushing the boundaries, can also get around” (Arthur,2018). In other words police officers in Chicago police department, are used to such a corruption and such a reputation for pushing the boundaries. Furthermore the author continues saying that, “About 1,300 of Chicago’s cops fall into clusters of linked police officers who together have been the subject of at least 100 citizen complaints against them” (Arthur, 2018). In other words since the corruption of the Chicago police happened and the code of silence was said it basically keeps going on and police officers In Chicago just don’t follow the rules that have to followed.

Interviewing techniques that could have been used during this scenario, are definitely knowing if the Miranda is required. According to Policeone.com, the author made it clear that, “ The most important aspect of questioning a suspect is knowing when you must provide a Miranda warning. Failure to understand when to provide Miranda could mean everything you skillfully gather is for naught. Avoid this major pitfall” (Katz, 2018). During the chicago police department corruption, the Miranda warning should have been provided. However its very important to understand body language as well, to be able to figure out if a person is nervous or even lying regarding a question that the interviewer is acting.

In this case the Chicago police officers were dealing with drugs; its very important ask them, the article stated, “ One line of questioning I used when a suspect was arrested for narcotics was to ask the suspect if the drugs in their possession were purchased for themselves or to be sold” (Katz, 2018). Question’s like this are very important when it come’s to Interviewing. All things considered the Chicago police department officers that were using their power for personal use, used have been interviewed to why they were doing such a thing and caused a corruption.

Legal principles of criminal or constitutional laws that are present within this scenario; are Police forces shouldn’t just be asking what the Constitution allows them to do. “They should be actively working to protect the civil rights of the people they are policing” started the article What Is Constitutional Policing? (2018). In other worlds the constitutional laws for a law enforcement officer is to protect civil right of the people. I this scenario with the corruption; protecting of citizens was not being issued for the most case. In addition to the passage, it states that, “ This impacts everything from use-of-force to interacting with mentally ill suspects. By seeking to protect people’s constitutional rights in every interaction, police can improve community relations and build public trust” (What is constitutional, 2018). Clearly the duty of a police officer is to protect the People referring back to Spalding and Echeverria, they definitely protect and followed the civil right of the people.

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Intro to Criminal Justice. (2021, Jan 15). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/intro-to-criminal-justice/

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