Impact of Martin Luther King on Contemporary Society

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Martin Luther King provided a lot of security and safety for many. He was seen as an inspirational figure to many, had a (mostly) positive reputation. During this period of segregation, he continued to defy many rules and expectations which lead to his increase in support. King believed that equality was the best policy and that everyone should not be treated unusually based on their differences. He had demonstrated this in; Emmet Tills’ case, Rosa park and the Montgomery bus boycott case and in the Little rock, many more…

Martin Luther King

From a very young age, Martin grew up with in a safe, loving environment. He had his mother and father who were very strong and independent, Martin grew up to be well known around his community. His grandfather, in particular, made use of the local church but after his retirement, passed it onto his son. Martin had led the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) and he became very respected. He, further, took himself higher within the religion system and used this to his advantage. He received a job from the NAACP (Nation association for the advancement of coloured people) and he started to persist for what he believed in, from there. His speeches lead people to believe that he wanted to make a difference, he mentioned that he would ‘’die’’ for justice. (He would go to extreme measures to make people feel equal.)

Throughout these examples, he demonstrates the skills of perseverance. Many critics suggest that he was one of the most important reasons as to why the civil rights movement succeeded as much as it did. This is due to the fact that even though he received a lot of criticism for his work, he continued to make speeches and build a community although he might get put into prison several times for it. Many people believed that he had high credibility and that he was an aspirational leader however others believed that he was too under-prepared and a ‘Rabble rouser.’ (A rabble rouser is an old-fashioned term for someone who creates chaos.)

Mr King’s Role in Emmett Till’s Case

Emmett Till was a young boy (who was African-American) who lived in Chicago. Emmett went to visit his uncle in the south. (At this time, the south were very disapproving of anyone who was different and the north, where Emmett lived, were slightly better.) The south saw Emmett as a burden, but he eventually found some people who he liked. After some time, the three boys (Emmett and the other two) went into a local shop and Emmett got ‘dared to say something to the female shopkeeper.’’ The shopkeeper referred to this as cat-calling and told her husbands’ brother. Emmett was then, beaten, tortured and then his body was, unfortunately, thrown into the Talahatchey river. He was almost unrecognisable.

When his case was reviewed, the two teenagers were found innocent, within a small amount of time. The mother, who was experiencing the most trauma, still had to sit at the back of the courtroom whilst the boys were let off. The NAACP had been alerted of this case and Martin Luther King wished that his mother got justice for what had happened. The family arranged an open casket funeral so everyone could be informed about this devastating event. The NAACP (Martin Luther King as well) took it upon themselves to make sure that this was publicised. By this time, Martin Luther King desperately wanted to change the legislations of the white government, but even for someone with a lot of power, it would have been difficult. Critics suggest that, in this situation, Martin provided support for the mother, when no one else would. He, according to statistics, also supported Uncle Moses who attempted to defend Emmett. -This is one of the many examples of why the civil rights movement was a success, as, Martin (in the next paragraph) still continued to fight for equality.

Mr King’s Role in Rosa Park’s Case

Rosa Parks was a young, African American lady whose case baffled many of her time. Rosa Parks was boarding a local bus and she sat in the ‘’Coloured section of the bus.’’ But, soon enough, the ‘’white section of the bus’’ became too full. Rosa (and many other African Americans) were asked to move but (to most people’s surprise in her time) she did not move. She would not give up her seat. After being asked multiple times, she continued to say that she wouldn’t move to accustom another person. Parks was soon arrested. In the courtroom, she was guilty within the first half hour. The NAACP also heard about this case; Rosa Parks soon became a member as well. Robinson, a famous member of the cooperation, organised a boycott for this trial. Martin Luther king and the NAACP worked together to form a community. Statistics state that, at least, thirty thousand leaflets were put on the walls of building, trees and more.

Martin Luther promised that the future would be better for people (African Americans in particular.) Martin Luther King got other cooperation’s to become involved. They decided that they wanted to execute a non-violence protest (We are told that this was the correct choice as the campaign gained followers.) They used the church as an instrument of support as well. The non-violence protest demonstrated that they would show no resistance to achieve change. They took this case back to the supreme court (The highest court in America) in order to promote de-segregation. The NAACP collaborated with the CORE. (Congress of Racial Equality.) Martin Luther King (after much discussion) managed to persuade the government to put into place a law which read; ‘’The Civil rights act of 1964.’’ Many statistics show that Martin was one of the main reasons to the Civil Rights movement due to his charisma and determination.

The Role of the Little Rock Nine and Martin Luther King

The little rock nine were the first African Americans to go to a white American school. (The first, small change in history.) After the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the legislation in the ‘Civil Rights act of 1964’ stated that segregation was illegal in public places. Thus, African Americans could go to ‘white’ schools. But even though it was ‘illegal’ segregation took place. The nine children were pelted with small objects and were called unnecessary names. After three years, the Jim crow laws came into control once again, prohibiting African Americans from the basic amenities. However, they still fought, as education was valuable. They had gained the trust of many advanced leaders; Martin King, Malcom X. They fought for their rights and it failed multiple times.

On the other hand, there were some laws which were changed, as white Americans changed their own perception of African Americans. Martin and the leaders came up with a plan and got a white American student expelled. (This was the African Americans chance to freedom.) Martin and the other leaders made sure that the Little Rock Nine were protected by troops, hired by the government. Martin Luther king (to a far extent) helped the civil rights movement by providing solutions to the problems they were facing.

To summarise, Martin helped the civil rights movement by acting courageously in all of the solutions above. He demonstrated fantastic character and despite the multiple threats he protected those he could. (He had the help of many others as well) I believe that he (and others) made an impact on, both, his contemporary society and our modern-day society.

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Impact of Martin Luther King on Contemporary Society. (2021, Feb 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/impact-of-martin-luther-king-on-contemporary-society/

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