Students working toward doctoral degrees have gradually increased over the years. There could be a demand for highly educated individuals to fill certain jobs calling for these types of professionals. Researching skills are something that is very much needed when working on a doctoral level. The research and resource finding skills are very much important as they teach the student to be more independent than they had been previously in regard to working on research. The doctor student relationship with other student in their doctoral studies program, will determine how successful they will be. Baker & Pifer (2011) studied doctoral student transition from doctoral student to independence and how they developed relationships and interactions amongst faculty and peers. Gardner (2009) studied faculty members in seven academic areas to find a solution how students transcend from doctoral student to independent.
Smith & Hatmaker (2015) studied the relevancy of exploring a doctoral student’s academic success, relationships and becoming a self-learner is essential in getting through the research and writing process. It will provide the student numerous opportunities to identify and build upon these attributes to become scholarly writers. There are three common issues during the development from doctoral student to independent researcher with the first being academic success that is crucial to the student. The second issue focuses on relations/relationships influencing the student and the students’ identity when becoming a researcher. The third issue comes when students take the initiative to become independent. Doctoral students must learn how to use the proper tools provided to them, while maintaining meaningful relationships that are helpful in them setting organizational skills that will help them build a solid foundation needed to complete the journey toward a doctoral identity.
Academic Success Stage 2 of the doctoral journey can determine the success or failure of doctoral learners and how they utilized the new skills and competencies that are at their disposal. Students must take advantage of the relationships that can be developed between them faculty and peers building those relationships can be an integral part of in the success or failure of doctoral learners. Doctoral student performance can be measured by the grading system of that institution and how comfortable the students feel about their specialized fields and how each student is evaluated depending on grades ability to stay in the program and successfully defending the right to be a recognized academic in a chosen field. Student interaction with faculty and peers, help students to better understand how important the role of socialization is for them to become successful within their chosen professional field.
Academic success plays an integral part in helping students to build relationships throughout the doctoral journey. Academic success is not just limited to graduation and earning the degree, it is also defined by the professional identity presented alongside the degree. Relationships can foster connections within the academic community that may lead to future employment. Baker & Pifer (2011) study found that doctoral learners tend to experience more independence in stage 2 of their doctoral journey, leaving them to feel more isolated. It is very important that the student continue to keep the line of communication open between them faculty, peers and family to help guide and support them through this stage Some of the key successes that doctor learners receive while completing their doctoral journey is forming connections and relationships with faculty, peers that help them flow through the different steps of the journey.
These relationships vary depending on factors such as the type of institution, the disciplinary culture and the degree of faculty and peer involvement. The more learners build upon and utilize relationships, the more confident they become as leaders in academia and beyond. A wide network provides a variety of resources and great support in helping doctoral students through identity development. Having a wide network provides great support and a variety of resources for identity development. Smith and Hatmaker (2015) along with Baker and Pifer (2011) agreed that interactions are vital in professional development and identity of a scholar. Smith and Hatmaker (2015) study found that support makes students more dedicated and rises their efficiency in their research. Faculty as well as peer associations are also extremely considered for control and moral support. Select a third common theme that emerged from the articles. The learner outcome can be determined by how they choose to navigate the journey. Their transition from a doctoral learner to an independent scholar can be one of the most challenging times during their doctoral journey.
Their relationships with faculty, peers and family members is one vital part to making it to the finish line. Transiting from being mostly on your own, after receiving feedback in the form of grades and studying in groups, finding research and forming new concepts to write about. These skills attained will help the learner through the journey, into the profession, and beyond. This journey will help build the frame that will become the foundation that builds the learners’ professional identity. Doctoral learners will become skilled and disciplined among many fronts, time management, self-motivation and becoming a research scholar. The earlier the learner identify and explore (or reject) the framework as it relates to the success of their transition. Doctoral students must understand that the transition from dependent scholar to independent scholar does not happen overnight, and they can’t do it alone. Doctoral learners must understand the importance of socializing with their peers and faculty, doing this can help them in molding their identity.
Smith and Hatmaker (2015) Study found that doctoral student relationships with their faculty help them in their professional identity regardless of the level of mentorship, and finding that professional identity is the mark of a complete transition. Pursuing the doctoral journey is not easy, but it can be done. One of the key factor to remember is to always stay in contact with your support group. Build meaningful relationships along the way and remember to strengthen time management and self-discipline. Do not isolate yourself from you faulty and peers because isolation breeds confusion and disillusion. Develop the structure and framework, but do it with help from others willing to help. Doing this will solidify the foundation that will result in a successful journey and form a firm doctoral identity