Higher Education Should Be Free for Every One Argumentative Essay

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Do we still believe in the vision of Tata Nelson Mandela? “Education is the key to success” the reason why I agree that education should be free for everyone is because with education you can be the change you want to see.

In addition education is also a weapon that every child deserves a good quality education amd some of the students who qualify for the university enterence but because they are from underprevilleged communities and they do want to further their studies and achieve their goals,the benefin of free education is to get a chance to study and gain knowledge,get a decent job ,a higher salary and I do not think everyone should be denied that chance.

Therefore cancelling the fees should be a fair method so that every student can get access to higher education because some of the students’ parents are jobless and cannot afford to pay for the tutition fees while if a student owes an institution can’t be registered or receive their qualification because of the debt they made during their academic year.

Lastly the reason why higher education should be free is because we all have dreams to fulfil and there are also children who are from rural areas should also gain access to the higher education regardless of how much do they have because education would have been made to be free so that everyone can get a chance and be a change.

Thus higher education should be free for everyone because it is what we all want and obviously for all of us to be happy we need to get those degrees and masters.

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Higher Education Should Be Free for Every One Argumentative Essay. (2020, Oct 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/higher-education-should-be-free-for-every-one/



Should higher education be free of charge?
Free tuition fees is a way to restore the income inequality across generations . Non-economic benefits of education. It is tempting to think of university education in purely monetary terms. But graduates can also gain skills and awareness of civic institutions which offer intangible benefits to society.
Should university be free for everyone pros and cons?
There are pros and cons to the idea of making university free for everyone. On the one hand, it could level the playing field for students from all backgrounds. On the other hand, it could put a strain on the already limited resources of universities.
What are the benefits of free higher education?
The benefits of free higher education are that it would increase access to education and allow people to pursue their goals without the burden of student debt.
why should education be free?
Free education brings the benefit that enables you to earn the education you want to have . The country benefits from the result of educating professionals who later dedicate themselves to entrepreneurship. Also to transfer and utilize their knowledge and competence in the country where they reside to study and work.
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