Green Marketing in Business

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Green marketing is a vastly growing trend which was first stablished in the early 1990’s (Wahida, 2013). Green Marketing refers to an organization’s efforts to design, promote, price and distribute goods that will not cause damage to the environment (Telebi et al, 2018). Of course, we have conventional marketing, which is where customer needs are identified through market research and products/services are promoted and sold (Ahmadzadeh et al, 2017), but Since traditional marketing techniques no longer address every single issue of the modern markets, the implementation of green marketing is expected to improve marketing strategies not only by providing long-term financial performance for companies, but also by improving their environmental performance (Ahmadzadeh et al, 2017).

We could therefore argue here that conventional marketing simply just isn’t succeeding customer needs in today’s market. It is already discovered in a survey by ‘Pew Research Center, 2010’ that most respondents agreed the environment should be protected and argues that most businesses today should follow even the basic principles of Green Marketing. It has also been manifested in a case study that “out of 105 consumers, those who are not concerned about green practices, (59 consumers) accounting for 56.19%, are not aware of green practices, 29 of them (27.62%) do not have interest on green practices and the remaining 17 of them (16.19%) don’t have time to concern about green practices” (Selvakumar et al, 2019).

This literature insinuates that even though consumers are aware of the crisis currently taking place, that more than half and therefore not enough people are currently not aware that companies are trying to offer ‘green products’ in their Green Marketing practices, which overall argues the fact that companies could span out more in their efforts to do more in this field.

Cite this paper

Green Marketing in Business. (2020, Nov 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/green-marketing-in-business/



What are the 4 P's of green marketing?
The 4 P's of green marketing are product, price, place, and promotion, which focus on creating environmentally sustainable products, pricing them competitively, distributing them effectively, and promoting them through eco-friendly channels. These elements help businesses to develop and market environmentally responsible products that appeal to consumers who are concerned about sustainability.
What are the green marketing strategies?
The main green marketing strategies are product differentiation and green advertising.
What is an example of a green business?
A green business is a company that takes measures to reduce its negative impact on the environment. One example of a green business is a company that uses recycled materials to make its products.
What is called green marketing?
A green environment is important because it is essential for the survival of all life on Earth. It provides the necessary oxygen for us to breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink.
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