Utilitarianism Essay Examples
16 essay samples on this topic
Essay Examples
Essay topics
Utilitarianism Is A Form Of Consequentialism
Comparison of Philosophy of Utilitarianism and Deontology
Immanuel Kant
Comparison Of Utilitarianism And Virtue Ethics
Virtue Ethics
The Meaning Of Utilitarianism Argumentative Essay
Utilitarianism Is A Moral And Political Theory
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Act Utilitarianism
Act Utilitarianism Is Associated With Jeremy Bentham
Compare And Contrast Utilitarianism With Kant MID TERM
Comparison between Utilitarianism and Idealism
Definition of Utilitarianism
Deontology and Utilitarianism
Dostoevsky and Dickens’ Criticism of the Social Effects of Industrialization and Utilitarianism
Ethics and Utilitarianism
Ethics of Relativism, Utilitarianism and Libertarianism
Explain how Utilitarianism might use the hedonic calculus in making moral decisions
Explain the main principles of the classical forms of Utilitarianism Sample
Kants Ethics vs Utilitarianism
The Divine Command Theory Cultural Relativism Kantian and Utilitarianism
The Utilitarianism ethics theory
Utilitarianism and Christianity’s Points of Convergence
Utilitarianism and Deontology
Utilitarianism and Kant’s Theory
Utilitarianism Case
Utilitarianism ethics example
Utilitarianism in Government
Utilitarianism Is Attempting to Do the Greatest Good For the Greatest Number of People
Utilitarianism vs. Kantianism
Utilitarianism is a moral theory that judges human actions through consequences. In utilitarianism essays, the intentions of activities determine the goodness or badness of the activities. Utilitarians believe that humans should act in ways that enable other people to attain a desirable level of happiness or self-satisfaction.
Based on the views of utilitarianism essay examples, humans must act responsibly so that their actions result in outcomes that work for the goodness of the majority. The consequences of actions should determine whether an act is morally good or bad. In many countries, the way actions affect the general well-being of people defines responsibilities given to citizens.
For example, killing is generally morally evil. However, police officers can shoot and kill criminals because of the needs of the general population. The family of a criminal can say a killer cop is evil. Nevertheless, based on an essay about utilitarianism, a killer cop is morally good because his actions bring safety to the general population. With a criminal dead, people can now live in peace.