Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay Examples and Research Papers

15 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples


Should College Athletes Get Paid: Articles Review

Pages 8 (1 776 words)

College Students

Paying College Athletes

Should College Athletes Be Paid

Open Document

NCAA against Paying College Athletes

Pages 8 (1 985 words)

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Paying College Athletes

Should College Athletes Be Paid

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College Sports Players Should Get Paid

Pages 7 (1 615 words)

College Students

Paying College Athletes

Should College Athletes Be Paid

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Student Athletes Should Get Paid

Pages 3 (636 words)

College Students

Paying College Athletes

Should College Athletes Be Paid

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An Overview of the Payment for the Division one of NCAA Athletes

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College Life

Should College Athletes Be Paid


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College Athletes Deserve to Be Paid

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Paying College Athletes

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College Athletes Want Money

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Paying College Athletes

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College Athletes Should Be Well Compensated for Their Talents and Contribution

Pages 8 (1 866 words)


Should College Athletes Be Paid


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The Ethical Dilemma of Paying College Athletes

Pages 6 (1 357 words)

Should College Athletes Be Paid

Open Document

The Current Dispute Between Collegiate Players and the NCAA Regarding Whether College Athletes Should Be Paid or Not

Pages 6 (1 465 words)

Should College Athletes Be Paid

Open Document
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College athletics has grown in popularity over the last 20 years or 50. resulting in significa nt income for the NCAA and its subsidiaries. The controversy over whether college athletes should be charged in addition to their scholarships has yet to be resolved. Some claim that athletes contribute substantially to college income from sports programs and thus deserve a share of the profits. Others contend that athletes are already being paid because they earn scholarships and other benefits. There has always been talk that this decision will be made officially. but there are still questions about whether they should be compensated or not. When reading this research paper, the reader would be able to address the question of whether or not student athletes at the college level should be paid to compete by investigating all of the possibilities for and against paying the athletes outside their athletic scholarship.



Based on this, there are a variety of reasons why student-athletes feel they should be compensated, but doing so could result in a slew of problems that should be avoided. There are numerous reasons why student athletes should be paid to participate, but there are also numerous drawbacks to doing so. Universities should find a way to reward student athletes for their talents and contributions to the university, but could lead to a logistical burden for colleges and universities, with detrimental consequences for college sports.



Seeking information about whether or not student athletes should be paid was

accomplished by the use of scholarly sources from our library database as well as commercial websites that offer accurate and credible information to assist me in providing information about why they should be paid as well as why they should not be paid. There were several websites that agreed and disagreed with this subject and offered their own perspectives. Not only did I use websites to find details. but since I have personal experience as a collegiate student athlete for the past 5 years. I found it easy to provide my experience and stance on this situation, as well as what I believe is the best scenario for resolving this ongoing issue. 


Being able to find details about how to fairly pay all divisions of the NCAA or the problems that will arise as a result will help in reaching a conclusion. I have also gathered other people’s perspectives on the current situation to help me reach a firmer decision on which stance to take on this subject.



It takes a lot of work to be a student athlete, both athletically and academically. College

sports consumes the same amount of time as a full-time work. College athletes devote at least 40 hours a week to their chosen sport, which includes both sports and training sessions.

Without putting in a lot of effort academically and athletically, they risk losing their place on the squad as well as their athletic scholarship, Athletes will have to take time away from school in order to give their sport their all. Athletes in Division 1 make athletics their top priority because it is the basis of their scholarship. Paying them could make games more competitive because it would improve the students’ incentive to work harder, allowing them to retain their ranking while also relieving some of the tension from their financial conditions, allowing them to concentrate more on the game. Athletic scholarships cover their tuition, college fees, and housing, but the players are responsible for any personal expenses that arise during their time at college. This can be a significant burden, and it can cause stress or place student athletes in a difficult position to assist themselves (College Sports Madness, 2020), College athletes end up bringing in a large net amount of revenue to their schools. The NCAA made $18.9 billion in a single year, which is usually split among administrators, athletic directors, coaches, and media outlets, but college athletes aren’t paid for their contributions to the NCAA (Salarship. n.d.j.



Paying college athletes will only confuse matters more for divisions 2 and 3, as they

do not have access to the same opportunities and athletic scholarships as division 1‘ Based on this scenario, not paying anybody would simply avoid the major dispute that will arise if student athletes are paid through the NCAA, Though this decision has not yet been decided. my position on college athletes not being compensated will remain unchanged.


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