Career Essay Examples Page 12

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My Long-Term Career Goal as a Human Resource Manager Personal Essay

Pages 8 (1 762 words)

Career Goals

Human resource management

Open Document

My Future Career Goals

Pages 3 (740 words)

Career Goals

My Future

Open Document
1 11 12

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Benefits of Community Service

Role of Personality in Job Satisfaction and Career Success

Personal Philosophy of Nursing

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Reasons for Advancing My Career Path

Media Analysis: Image of Barry Bonds’ Career in Media

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Foreign Language in Professional Activities

Ways to Choose a Job You Love

Ways to Find a Goals in Career

Five Ways To Succeed in Your Career

Proper Etiquette and Testimony as an Ethical Forensic Scientist

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Finding My Future Way

Argumentative Essay Topics:

How to Achieve your Career Goal?

Four Stages of Career Development

Career Development Theories

Personal Career Development Plan

Professionalism: Professional Growth

Relation Between My Personal and Career Goals

Career Goals and Leadership in Marketing

Long-Term Career Goal as a Human Resource Manager

Future Career Goals in Renewable Energy

Pros and Cons of Profession Planning

Educational and Career Plan in Forensic Psychology

Academic And Career Goals in IT Field

Educational And Career Goals in Cyber Security

Educational and Career Plan in Psychology and Behavior Analysis

A Blueprint Plan of My Goals for Professional & Personal Growth

Professional Goals

A career in Economics Stems

How to Be an Effective Team Member

Career Planning and Related Occupations

Developing the Ability to Influence Other People

Conflict Management Skills

Student Career

Career Goals


In the conventional sense, a career is moving up the corporate ladder in the corporate hierarchy of a company. This classical definition is considered to be almost the only correct vector of development. In fact, there are three types of careers: vertical, horizontal, and entrepreneurial. The development of each of them requires a unique set of personal and professional qualities, individual motivation.

A vertical career is a career growth from a specialist to a manager, where administrative and managerial skills play a greater role. But not everyone wants to take the managerial chair, have other people subordinate and be responsible for them.

A horizontal career is an expert one. Here a person develops skills, expands functionality, builds up expertise on a specific topic, and becomes a highly specialized specialist of the highest level.


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