Fake News and Skeptical Thinking

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Years ago, news concerning tsunami hoax through spam text messages has caused tremendous mob panic across Batangas and Quezon. The incident has left a 60-year old person deceased. Residents living within the cities has not an idea about how tsunami occurs, in which it became a lesson to everybody. We can see how the distribution of fake propaganda affects society, thereupon causing a massive impact. We tend to believe in faulty news without seeking for clues and evidence. Being able to determine the differences between false news and factual information is a crucial skill that has to be more common in individuals. But what if the fake news we know today gets a new polish? Perhaps, buffed with Artificial Intelligence?

Deepfake is an AI-powered technology that uses image rendering by deliberately swapping voices and images of faces to create realistic video events that have actually never existed. The first occurrence of deepfake was back in December 2017 and started spreading slowly across the media. It was first introduced and used for a copulation subject matter. This issue kept growing until politics got involved.

Why should we care? In the future, distinguishing facts from fraud will start to seem like they have no differences at all. A dubious mindset has to be present on individuals and we have to be a lot more considerate on our skeptical thinking nowadays. When dealing with widespread and trending news, we must seek for evidence and keep our uncertainty and skeptical behavior to information we gather. Yes! We can find solutions to this problem. Although it might be easy for us to say, could there be a way to fix, prove, and address this problem?

Therefore, for us to determine fake news, it is to think twice. It is essential for every individual to not easily accept claims in which have not got through rigorous scientific scrutiny. Searching for clues and evidence brings solutions and ends problems. Another thing we have to keep in mind is to practice skepticism, but don’t overdo it. Aggressive skepticism may develop pessimistic behavior, leading to denialism. Aggressive skepticism may develop pessimistic behavior, leading to denialism. Doubting is one of the ways to make sure of situations you are uncertain of. You may ask questions in your mind, “Is this true? How real is this? Do I believe in it? Why is it happening?” and try to answer those questions through observation and analysis.


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Fake News and Skeptical Thinking. (2020, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/fake-news-and-skeptical-thinking/

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