Factors Affect Organizational Commitment

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Organizational commitment or commitment towards ones’ responsibility in an organization can be defined as the psychological attachment that a person feels towards his/her organization for which he/she is working for. Organizational commitment refers to the employee’s emotional attachment to, identification with and involvement in a particular organization. Organizational commitment generally governs the variables such as turnover of organization, job performance, environment at work place etc. Generally, commitment of a person towards his organization depends on many factors such as role stress, job security, nature of job, opportunities for promotion etc.

In present scenario, most of the leading organizations are facing problems of retaining talented, dedicated, industrious employees. Due to this the organizations are unable to achieve a stable state because as employees lack commitment towards a particular organization they tend to leave the organization as soon as they are presented with an alternative opportunity. This makes has made various organizations to often try to kindle the flame of commitment into their existing employees as it is commonly observed that committed employees tend to go an extra mile to achieve the organizational goals. The concept’s popularity is increasing due to the assumed impact organizational commitment has on employees and organizational performance.

The sample for the study consisted of employees of construction equipment manufacturing industries from Thiruvallur district of Tamil Nadu state of India. A total of 350 questionnaires were distributed and a total of 275 were answered and received for evaluation. After initial evaluation it was found that only 269 responses were usable for analysis. For analysis of responses Meyer and Allen’s 3 component model of commitment (i.e. affective, continuance and normative commitment) was used and these 3 components were measured by using Meyer and Allen’s scale i.e. multiple item scale was used for each item. The respondents were given a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 for “Strongly Disagree” to 5 for “Strongly Agree” for recording their response.

The examination of the information demonstrated that there is measurably noteworthy connection between training level and authoritative responsibility. As to instruction levels the representatives were separated into five gatherings; workers moved on from (1) elementary school, (2) optional school, (3) secondary school, (4) professional school, and (5) college. Inside these gatherings, the three worker gatherings (to be specific, moved on from college, professional school and optional school) detailed larger amounts of hierarchical duty than the staying two gatherings (in particular, moved on from secondary school and elementary school). Along these lines, except for the representative gathering moved on from secondary school, the higher educated employees are more dedicated gatherings than the educated employees. By the expansion in their training levels, workers’ promise to their associations turns out to be increasingly promising.

As the data was gathered from only two organizations the data cannot be generalized more over the study could not explain the behaviour of employees with high school graduation as the high school level graduates reported a lower commitment level than lower education graduates (primary schools and secondary schools). Were as employees having graduated from university showed higher degree of commitment than lower educated employees.


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Factors Affect Organizational Commitment. (2021, Oct 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/factors-affect-organizational-commitment/



How organizational commitment can affect the organization?
If employees are committed to the organization, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and less likely to leave the organization. This can positively affect the organization by reducing turnover and increasing productivity.
What are the factors factors contributing to job satisfaction and organizational commitment?
There are many factors that contribute to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Some of these factors include pay, benefits, job security, and working conditions.
What are the three most important factors relating to organizational commitment?
The three most important factors relating to organizational commitment are pride in the organization, feeling a sense of ownership in the organization, and believing that the organization's goals are important.
What drives organizational commitment?
The results demonstrated that a higher amount of leadership support and cohesion led to an increase in organizational commitment. Employees that are well supported are more likely to feel happy at work, and therefore more motivated and productive.
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