Everyone Deserves A Chance To Go To College

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College is an important step in a person’s life. Most kids who are “disproportionately black or hispanic”, from lower-income families don’t go to college due to the lack of family income to afford good education. I agree, college is expensive, however, amongst the black and hispanic community, primarily the majority live in low income communities where quality education is not provided or available due to the financial scenario. Therefore the poor that suffer, not just colored lower income families but nearly every family in these low income communities. Although college is expensive for all of us, I agree that lower prices for college is a good idea but not the complete solution. Our goal should be to incorporate more fundamentally sound educational institutions in low income communities nationwide.

As well as give job opportunities to the families of those whom are not financially stable and to those who are not offered quality education that prepares them for college. The statement… “The main reason fewer African Americans and Hispanics going to college isn’t that they can’t afford it, its they lack the skills to do the work.” communicates many meanings I believe what the author is really trying to communicate is that students in less educational privileged communities are not being prepared to succeed in college. They don’t feel prepared through their educational career, beginning in elementary school that they simply choose not to go to college. Scientific research on The Condition of Education, “College enrollment rates of 18- to 24-year-olds, by race ethnicity: 2000, 2010, and 2017” It proves how Asians feel more prepared for college, followed by white, American indian/ alaska native, African american, and hispanic. Although college is expensive for all of us, I agree that lower prices for college is a good idea but not the complete solution.

Our goal should be to incorporate more fundamentally sound educational institutions in low income communities nationwide. As well as give job opportunities to the families of those whom are not financially stable and to those who are not offered quality education that prepares them for college. In conclusion, we need better education in schools starting from elementary through high school. To prepare everyone in the lower income communities for how hard college work will be.

College is a big step before entering the real world, everyone deserves a chance to go to college, therefore one day they can have a good job with a quality, and steady income.

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Everyone Deserves A Chance To Go To College. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/everyone-deserves-a-chance-to-go-to-college/



Is it important for everyone to go to college?
College is important for many reasons, including long-term financial gain, job stability, career satisfaction and success outside of the workplace . With more and more occupations requiring advanced education, a college degree can be critical to your success in today's workforce.
Who is most likely to go to college?
There is no definitive answer to this question as there are many factors to consider, but typically it is thought that students from higher socioeconomic backgrounds are more likely to go to college than those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Why do people deserve to go to college?
People deserve to go to college because it is a time for personal growth and development. College is also a time to learn more about oneself and the world around them.
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