English Premier League Broadcasting

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This is a case that looks at the implementation of a single market for goods and services across the European Union countries. Although the policy was launched two decades ago, its complete progress has not been witnessed A case of English Premier League broadcasting across European Union countries arises, Karen Murphy, the owner of a Red, White, and Blue pub in Portsmouth realized that the subscription fee for access to premier league feed was not the same She decided to use a Greek foreign decoder that charged $800 annually as opposed to the $7000 annual fee charged within the United Kingdom. The Premier League filed a case in court Murphy was fined $8000, She appealed, and the case was heard in Court. The court upheld the earlier verdict stating that European Union Law does not bar anyone from purchasing the Nova decodersl Based on the article, the affirmation of the court ruling would see many Premier League customers go for cheaper subscriptions offered by different companies such as Greek TV broadcaster, Nova.

Historically, the English Premier League has been issuing licensees at varied costs based on demand. Apparently, there is a large number of fans for the Premier Leagues in the United Kingdom where the subscription fee is high. On the other hand, the fan base in Greece is lower than in the United Kingdom and consequently the lower broadcasting fees. Thus, the different prices across the European Union are aimed at enabling the English Premier League to raise enough revenue, if equal broadcasting fees were to be charged throughout Europe, then it would make losses since those who are not fans would see no reason to subscribe to an expensive package. The European Union laws that were signed in 1992 was aimed at ensuring the establishment of a single and uniform market for goods and services. Therefore, the court was right to make a ruling against the unequal broadcasting fees across Europe. From a legal point of View, I concur with the court’s decision since the Law is equal for allr It is unfair for Premier League to charge their customers varied fees, especially such ridiculous costs.

The affirmation of the court ruling will favor those who have been paying high annual fees. This is because they would have the freedom to buy decoders from other countries; they would not suffer from being forced to pay for high local subscription fees. On the other hand, the losers would be the soccer clubs and television broadcasters since the customers would purchase feeds of their choices, preferably of lowered prices. As an English Premier League stakeholder, there is need to come up with a working strategy that would ensure that customers are retained, and new ones are attracted. Maintaining customers and attracting new ones is achieved by lowering subscription fees moreover, the fees should not only be lower but equal among all parts of Europe. There is also need to have an added value to the products by offering broadcasting services that are better than other stations. The value-added products and services would give the customers a reason to choose the services offered without looking at the prices.

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English Premier League Broadcasting. (2023, Apr 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/english-premier-league-broadcasting/

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