Emotional Intelligence among the Students Research Paper

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This paper addresses the importance of emotional intelligence in student’s life that how they affect the most. I was conducted a research on this and the findings are presented and analyzed in the content of this paper. The objective of the research was to study the impact of various dimensions of emotional intelligence on the academic performance of students, to find the factors that influence the emotional intelligence. The paper argues against the challenges faced by students because of low emotional intelligence. This research has made it possible to identify different factors and challenges faced by students. The last part of the paper includes some recommendations for the students to improve emotional intelligence.

KEYWORDS: emotional intelligence, academic performance.


Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others claim it’s an inborn characteristic.

Since 1990, Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer have been the leading researchers on emotional intelligence. In their influential article ‘Emotional Intelligence,’ they defined emotional intelligence as ‘the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions.’

Advantages of Emotional Intelligence

  • It is something that anyone can learn.
  • It can help to reduce bullying.
  • It improves a person’s social effectiveness.
  • It reduces the likelihood of engaging in personally destructive behaviours.
  • Making decisions becomes a lot faster.

Disadvantages of Emotional Intelligence

  • It can be used to manipulate people.
  • It prevents others from using their critical thinking skills.
  • It can be used for personal gain.
  • It can make a person more open and agreeable.
  • It takes time to develop this skill.
  • Emotional intelligence is a skill that not everyone takes seriously.

Here are a few tips to enhance EQ

  • Self-awareness
  • Empathy
  • Communicating
  • Dealing with Exam Stress

Literature Review

Jayashree S, Vimal Ram S, Arun M Das (2018), published their study on Emotional Intelligence among College Students with Special Reference to Kerala. The statistical population of the study focuses on mainly three cities in Kerala comprising of 150 college students to represent Kerala as a whole. After various analysis and interpretation of the results of the study, that the students have extremely high EI, it may be viewed that Emotional Intelligence is of utmost importance to a person in order to have success in work as well as in life. It could be viewed that females have higher EQ than males.

Nowack, K. (2017), conducted a study on Sleep, Emotional Intelligence, and Interpersonal Effectiveness: Natural Bedfellows in California, U.S.A. Participants were 109 full-time employed leaders within diverse industries who were attending a 2-year executive MBA program. Although based on self-report, the study builds on the literature suggesting the lack of quantity or quantity of sleep can impair interpersonal effectiveness on the job and can affect levels of engagement, commitment to the job/organization, and perceived levels of stress. The limitation of this study is that the sleep behaviors assessed in this study are self-report (Stress Profile sleep/rest scale) and are not confirmed with objective measures of daily or weekly sleepiness or impairment.

Winnie Jacob, Sheela Pavithran (2015), in their study on “Correlational study on emotional intelligence and academic performance of nursing students in a selected college of nursing, Kochi”. The study was done in 90 nursing students. Results of the present study revealed that emotional intelligence had a significant correlation with academic performance. This finding is congruent with the earlier research findings of Schuttle et al. (1998) and Tapia (1998) who found a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and the Scholastic Aptitude Test. This result is easily explainable bearing in mind that emotional intelligence competences, such as ability to regulate one’s feeling, problem solving, intrapersonal and interpersonal skills are highly germane to academic success.

Ms. R. Indira, Dr. A .Anand Jerard Sebastine (2014), conducted a study on Emotional Intelligence among MBA Students in Thanjavur Municipal Corporation. Emotional intelligence not only helps in learning social skills but also enhances career success and improves general quality of individual work life. With this background, the authors have selected 60 MBA Students (30 Males and 30 Females) from an educational institution by adopting Descriptive Research Design. The study revealed that although male students have higher emotional intelligence when compared to their female counterparts, the majority of them have low level of emotional intelligence.

Dr. Manzoor (2014), in his study, provided an Empirical Evidence of Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and its impact among MBA Students of Delhi (NCR), Emotional intelligence has become a major topic of interest in academics and corporate circles these days. The objective of the study is to investigate the impact of demographic variables (gender and age) on emotional intelligence of MBA students and also to study the impact of emotional intelligence on academic performance of students. The findings of the study revealed negative relationship between emotional intelligence and academic performance.

Bhadouria Preeti (2013) conducted a study on Role of Emotional Intelligence for Academic Achievement for Students. The sample consist 200 children of class 4th having age range 9-10years from various schools of Patna High and low achievers were differentiated based on their percentage in the last two consecutive examinations results. The present study reveals the factors Emotional Literacy, Academic understanding, Affective Domain Building, Self-Assessment, Pressure Handling, Parental Guidance, Performance Evaluation, Academic Motivation which if emphasized may help the mentors, parents and academicians to motivate the children for the understanding of emotions in their lives.

Research Methodology

The overall objective of the research is to study on Emotional Intelligence among the students of graduation programmes with respect to Surat city. Starting from the general objective, we identified several specific objectives:

  • To find the factors that influences the emotional intelligence.
  • To analyze the relationship between gender and factors of emotional intelligence of students.
  • To analyze the relationship between factors of emotional intelligence and academic performance of students.

In order to have a clear view concerning student and to understand the topic several research methods have been included along the research stages. I have chosen my research method survey conducted by questionnaire. The second research method I chose is based on telephonic interview survey.

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

KMO measure of sampling adequacy means determines if the responses given with the sample are adequate or not and Bartlett’s test of Sphericity. KMO should be close than 0.5 as minimum or barely accepted. The values between 0.5 and 0.7 are mediocre, values between 0.7 and 0.8 are good, values between 0.8 and 0.9 are great and values above 0.9 are superb. For these data, the KMO value is 0.711, which falls into the range of being good. So we should be confident that factor analysis is appropriate for these data.

Bartlett’s measure tests the null hypothesis. A significant test analyze that R- matrix is not identity matrix because significance value < 0.05. Therefore, there are some relationships between the variables and null hypothesis is rejected. For these data, Bartlett’s test is highly significant (p < 0.001). So, factor analysis is appropriate.

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

The Total Variance Explained table shows how the variance is divided among the 26 possible factors. Note that five factors have Eigen values (a measure of explained variance) greater than 1.0, which is a common criterion for a factor to be useful. When the Eigen value is less than 1.0 the factor is explains less information than a single item would have explained.


Although EI growth in different individuals can promote their success, it cannot decrease academic stress by itself which was particularly significant in females. Therefore, other causes of stress such as individual differences must be taken into consideration.

Achievements in academy will be better when it is studying with more attention and applying more thinking power and consuming more time for this purpose. Therefore, students done better in academy can think more properly and can follow the behaviors of teachers, peers and family member with more attention. All these help them to flourish their emotional intelligence.

On the contrary, it can also be stated that students’ emotional intelligence should be developed by adopting some adequate techniques such as discussion, counseling, exposing to the outer world etc. so as to increase their understanding power, cogitation power and attention ability, thereby increasing the progress in academics. Therefore, the curriculum developers and educational planners should play the vital role in accomplishing emotional intelligence into the school curriculum to enhance the quantitative and qualitative aspects of students’ works.

The recommendations are:

Emotions can either enhance or hinder your ability to learn, which impacts attention and memory function. If a student is anxious or agitated, they may not be able to focus on what is being taught.

Parents and teachers often times assume that kids have an innate ability to cope with these stresses, which is often untrue.

The understanding of emotional intelligence has to be in line with the understanding of why it is so important in everyday life. Similarly, it should also be stressed in all careers development and counseling activities. Shifting from academic excellence to overall excellence needs a total paradigm shift in university administration .This will guarantee student success both emotionally and professionally.

The benefits of teaching social and emotional learning are: a. improved academic performance b. Positive social behaviors c. Increased self-awareness d. less emotional distress e. Reduced violence and aggression f. Future success. g. Improved physical health.


  1. Nowack, K. (2017) from http://journal.frontiersin.org/Journal/10.3389/fpsyg.2014.01322/abstract
  2. Winnie Jacob, Sheela Pavithran (2015) from https://www.amrita.edu/publication/correlational-study-emotional-intelligence-and-academic-performance-nursing-students
  3. Jayashree S, Vimal Ram S, Arun M Das (2018) from http://www.irjcjournals.org/ijmssr/Dec2014/7.pdf
  4. Ms. R. Indira, Dr. A .Anand Jerard Sebastine (2014) from http://www.ijhssi.org/papers/v2(3)/version-2/H234251.pdf
  5. Dr. Manzoor (2014) from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/60bf/ae282a2d9e581f5730dc87641cc7fa8465d3.pdf
  6. Bhadouria Preeti (2013) from https://acadpubl.eu/hub/2018-118-21/articles/21f/9.pdf

Cite this paper

Emotional Intelligence among the Students Research Paper. (2021, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/emotional-intelligence-among-the-students/



How does teaching emotional intelligence to students help them?
Teaching emotional intelligence to students helps them to be better able to understand and control their own emotions, and to be more understanding and tolerant of the emotions of others.
How is emotional intelligence used in school?
1. Emotional intelligence can be used in school to help students manage their emotions and better understand the emotions of others. 2. By increasing emotional intelligence, students can create a more positive learning environment for themselves and their classmates.
What is emotional intelligence for students?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to be aware and understand your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is important for students to develop emotional intelligence so that they can be successful in both their academic and personal lives.
Why is emotional intelligence so important?
But what is EI and why is it so important? Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and regulate one's emotions and understand the emotions the others. A high EQ helps you to build relationships, reduce team stress, defuse conflict and improve job satisfaction .
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