Domestic Violence Against Women

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Many women are suffered and do not have the same right as men in our society. They are limited on their ability to express themselves, therefore, sometimes that drove them to depression or other mental illnesses. One of the main reasons that some people do not respect women is the mentality that the entire society was raised with, which mainly implemented in people’s minds as children. On the story “The Yellow Wall-Paper” by Stetson, the author introduced one of the abuses. The unequal treatment of women due to the socially constructed norms and myths has affected our society. Women get abuse not only physically, but psychologically and emotionally. Women’s isolation from society is one of the worst violence they can face.

Women have consistently battled for equivalent rights with men. The women activist group was initiated a few centuries ago, however, it is still relevant until today. With the course of time, women figured out how to demonstrate that they can be as good as men, in almost all circles of life. Due to all the efforts and social activity, women altered the preconceive opinion towards themselves and achieved significant results.

However, it was only a few centuries ago that women were in completely unique circumstance. In the nineteenth century, people thought that women were brought into the world just for marriage, and they could not make any decisions. Violence against women exists in different forms, therefore when it happens, often people do not pay attention. Stetson stated that “there comes John, and I must put this away,-he hate to have me write a word” (Stetson 3).

That woman was living in fear of her husband, named John. John thought that he could cure his wife by making sure she stayed in a room by herself and not allowed her to see no one, even her new baby. In my opinion, this was a type of violence against women because John used his power and his knowledge to isolate his wife. His woman hated the yellow wallpaper in the room where she was sleeping. However, she was not able to express her feelings with her husband or anyone else.

Domestic violence against women is a serious problem that threatens the physical and emotional wellbeing of women, and that negatively affects the quality of their life. Violence is a huge issue that affect women worldwide. I think people who are abusing women have never learned how to cope successfully with angry feelings. Life is full of events that cause us immense stress and frustration, but the abusive male does not have the communication skills necessary for resolving the conflict passively.

Not listening to women’s understanding of life as shown in Stetson’s story was disturbing. Therefore, any type of bad treatment against women should be condemn by the law. Additionally, people need to be educated about their constitutional rights because every human being deserves to be treated equally, with respect and honor.

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Domestic Violence Against Women. (2021, Nov 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/domestic-violence-against-women/

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