Does Video Game Violence Affect Kids

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Role-playing games are a good way for kids to be more active and to do new activities. Some people think that it is a way to enforce violence in their regular lives. It is not bad for them if they are just using water guns or nerf guns because those types of guns do not cause pain in other people playing the game. Some people think that it could be the reason that there are school shootings or violent acts are happening.

Most influences from school shootings or violent behavior are from things that could be happening at home and from hate that has built up. Most video games are for kids to relax after school and to maybe just have fun on boring days. Not all video game or role-playing games are violent. Sometimes kids need time to run around and go on real life missions.

According to some sources, not all role-playing games are bad for kids. For example, there are many different types of role-playing games, like D&D, Dungeon World, Exalted, and Fantasy Age. See these games aren’t bad. They are fantasy games with witches and different types of fictional characters. There are more games like Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, DC Heroes, and DC Adventures. In those games, you can tell by the names, but it is about dressing up like superheroes and pretending to save the world from danger. Again, not bad games, only for people with wild imaginations.

Sure there are some bad role playing games, like killer, but that is with squirt guns, not real guns. This game most likely does not affect someone’s anger to actually kill someone. Especially not video games. Sure kids may get mad about playing the games if they get caught or if they don’t win but that wouldn’t drive someone to kill a person. If someone really had this issue than they wouldn’t play the game because the get mad about it.

Some games, like the game killer, can be bad but it’s not all bad. Sure the kids can get some anger in the game itself but the most likely won’t bring it into real life. According to pbcexpo.com.au, the benefits of role playing among kids are fundamental in enhancing skills required for healthy development. It is no wonder child therapists use role play therapy to help children going through difficult situations and even to treat conditions such as autism. Kids get the chance to be themselves and role-playing is not only being focused on teens.

There are some games like the game killer but that is focused on teens, not on children. If you wanted to have kids not be able to do role-playing, then some kids would not be able to have fun using their imagination. Think about it. Most kids have ran around and wanted to be a superhero or a princess and by doing this it is role playing. So, not all role-playing games are bad for kids.

Kids should get the chance to be kids while they can. Kids love to use their imagination and love being themselves without being judged for having fun. During role playing kids place themselves in an imaginative social setup in which they must find a way to interact with others. And mostly kids will experiment with a role of a person or character they would like to be.

Teens that play different online games like Call of Duty, fortnite and other violent games can be fun for those teens. It can show them how to shoot a gun, to hide, and to be sneaky if they ever wanted to be. Not all of the games teens play are bad for them. So therefore kids SHOULD be aloud to play “violent” games on the internet or in real life as long as there are not causing harm to other people. If you take away a kids time to play video games or to just be themselves they won’t be as happy because they wouldn’t have time to relax or be themselves. Yes, you can make a kid sit down and read a book but would that be fun for the kids? You have to let them have time to be a kid and have fun in life before they grow up and not be able to be that little kid anymore.

Cite this paper

Does Video Game Violence Affect Kids. (2021, Dec 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/does-video-game-violence-affect-kids/



Can video games affect children?
Yes, video games can affect children. Some children may become more aggressive after playing certain types of video games.
Does video game violence affect children's behaviour?
There is no definitive answer to this question as the effects of video game violence on children's behaviour is still a highly debated topic. Some researchers believe that there is a correlation between video game violence and aggressive behaviour in children, while others argue that the effects are not significant enough to warrant concern.
How violent games affect kids?
The jury is still out on how violent games affect kids. Some studies show that they can lead to increased aggression, while other studies show that they have no effect.
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