Different Meaning of Love

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Love has a significant meaning to me. Love is a process, a fairy tale love ‘to be hard and sneaks upon us. You have the comparing lust versus love and love versus friendships. Next, how love makes you feel and how it can make you behave.

Inside love is a deep, intense feeling of affection through me and the other person. Though love is a sincere and caring attraction we share. Here our lust is a mighty desire of sexual natures. When experiencing love, it makes us want a long commitment with an important someone we need that has valuable attention that says why they want to be in a relationship with them. Accept they put their feeling aside and put the other person’s feelings above their own. Lusting is a part-time piece that could revel in a pleasurable relationship. Lust makes them care about how someone’s body looks and how overall their appurtenance is.

During this love, we need to recognize them and spend time with them instead of wishing to have sex every time when you are individually hanging with each other. As what they have in common is having love doesn’t tell you haven’t lusted either. We can love our spouse and want sex with them that would consider lust and love in the same concept. Love versus friendship. For romantic love, it’s with two people, but for friendship, love, it will include five people. It can establish a much deeper and stronger attachment as friendship doesn’t involve excluding deep attachment to that person. So, romantic love involves a physical or sexual relationship, such as friendships are nonphysical and nonsexual. Romantic love and friendship both have something called intimacy a connection you have with someone.

As I grow up, I will discover three kinds of love such as the fairy tale love, hard love and, the “you never saw coming’ love. The fairy tale love is what we see in movies the love we wanted to assume it would be easy to find. Happens at a young age near high school they say who cares if it doesn’t feel correct. We hide the truth to make it work as both pretend that they are someone else. Deep down I don’t believe that’s what love must be. Next, the hard love, it’s the one that hurts us the most it brings everyone one down to a breaking point wondering what went wrong, it hurts because of all the lies, manipulation, and pain. It teaches us what we don’t want in our lives and a relationship.

Love becomes a cycle because we think it’s going to change. Yet it ends up worse than the first time we tried it unstable, or destructive. An emotional roller coaster ride of lows and highs. Stick through the lowest of lows with expectations and hope that one day it will be great. It’s a love we wish that was correct and when nothing is working you feel defeated, but we know it’s for the best. “You never saw coming’ love, is the one that looks like it’s all types of wrong, yet it destroys any remaining ideas what love should be. That one comes easy it’s impossible for that matter we say, it seems to good that it’s true. Waiting to see the part where anything goes wrong, but it doesn’t. Those connections can’t describe, it just us off our feet because it wasn’t planned everything seems to click. You don’t have expectations about how they should be acting or becoming pressured to act like someone else other than who they are. This love allows us to see the best versions of who we are it’s the love feels to amazing because it is.

Love makes you feel so excited and terrifying it’s a feeling you can’t explain it’s the most powerful emotion people can feel. It makes you feel hopeful and filled with intense joy it makes me feel others pain as their own and I would sacrifice anything for that person. Can make your hardest days better when you know the person, we love is there for us when you need them the most. Behaviors of love is what it makes you do crazy things that we from hardly thinking it through at that time in those certain moments. However, love can change behaviors in a person for the better.

In conclusion, love has many meanings to different people. Some people hold on to tight to people because they think that’s how love should be. Love can change people for the better in their lives. Though some people may think love is nowhere it’s here but hard to find.

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Different Meaning of Love. (2021, Jan 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/different-meaning-of-love/



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