Decision on Euthanasia

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One of the worst obstacles in life is suffering from pain as diseases such as cancer, lupus, or AIDS. With time, the pain can become so unbearable that the individual loses’ faith and chooses to plan their death, by requesting euthanasia.

Euthanasia is also called physician-assisted suicide, in which a doctor administers a fatal dose of a suitable drug to an individual who wishes to be relieved of incurable diseases or intolerable pain. Oregon was the first state in the U.S. to legalize euthanasia in 1997, in which they passed as the Death with Dignity Law. For one to receive euthanasia under the Death with Dignity Law, one must be eighteen or over, terminally ill with life expectancy of fewer than six months, make two oral and one written request, requests must be confirmed by a second consultant physician, and both doctors must confirm that the individual lacks medical conditions that impair their judgment.

Because other states believe that euthanasia is immoral, it is limited by where it can be practiced. Euthanasia is only legal in nine states in the U.S., California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, Montana, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. Although opponents argue that euthanasia is devious and devalues human life, euthanasia allows everyone who is terminally ill to have the freedom to choose how they want to end their suffering. Euthanasia also allows everyone to end their intolerable suffering with ease why it should be legalized in all fifty states.

Opponents argue that doctors and nurses dedicated to saving one’s life are diminished when they authorize euthanasia. Opponents further argue that euthanasia excludes the consideration of palliative care to patients and that using euthanasia reduces the commitment to provide adequate care for the terminally ill. Euthanasia is used as the last option when all alternatives are no longer available.

Before a doctor can administer euthanasia one must tell the patient about alternative options for end of life care. The patient must be in a type of pain that cannot be alleviated, resulting from a serious and incurable disease. The second doctor must be able to evaluate whether the request of the patient is voluntary, well-considered, and repeated. The patient must have adequate knowledge of palliative care and must be completely informed by the doctor about all the aspects of their health situation about the existing possibilities of palliative care.

In every case, it must be communicated, to whom the patient can go to with questions, what sort of care the patient can expect, and what happens if the patient can no longer make their own decisions. Euthanasia patients are offered good palliative care. The goal of euthanasia is to help end the suffering of a prolonged death with ease, especially if there is chronic and severe pain included in the process.

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Decision on Euthanasia. (2020, Sep 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/decision-on-euthanasia/

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