Freelance job and office job are ways to earn money in order to live in this life. A lot of employees wish to work in indecently. Otherwise, many freelancers envy the office-working employee. Both have pros and cons and that depends on different areas, such as motivations, control over work and job stability.
First point is motivation, which drives to hard work. Most of companies provide motivations in different ways. For example, at the end of each year, a company determines whether their workers will earn more money, get a bonus or promotion. Conversely, freelancers motivate themselves, they must find their own clients, do their own marketing. They always should organize their own time to make sure that they stay on ahead.
Secondly, management and controlling are basic for the job. Freelancers have more control than office-work. Therefore, they have the freedom to work whenever and wherever they like: at night, in bed or at cafe-shop. They determine the hours of working and they are free to reject any assignment if it does not interest them. Also, they can re-schedule their work for later and spend more time with their friends and family. However, office employees have a boss who tells them what to do they have less control over their work. Moreover, they have less time to spend with their family and friends due to regular office times.
Thirdly, job security is important by get benefits like health insurance, paid vacations and a retirement pay. Employees are more secure than freelancers as they get a regular pay each month and the previous benefits. Companies also often organize training that develops their skills for free. On the other hand, freelancing-work can be unstable because workers often depend on themselves. There is no any paid vacation, health insurance or retirement pays. There is a possibility that they will have lots of work at one month and the next month they do not get any work.
To conclude, there is no one path is better than the other. They are just different with their own pros and cons. Choice of professional life is totally depends on several things like motivation, control over work and job security.