Best App for Meditation

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This whole past week I tried meditation app for the first time. I meditated everyday on my bed right after waking up. I have tried couple meditation apps before but I am not sure if I was doing it right or it helped me in any way. This time I tried headspace because I have heard really great reviews about this app. First couple days, my thoughts never calmed down during meditating. I was always just wondering around and thinking about random stuff while using the app. I would say it wasn’t an easy experience at all.

After first couple days, I started waking up little more early so that I don’t rush through my meditation process. Instead of bed, I started doing it on the floor with mats on. I made myself aware of my room setting and surroundings such as when sun hits my room window and what time exactly. I made myself aware of the sound that I was hearing through my window. I hit play on the app after I sat down and made myself comfortable.

The app walked me through everything step by step. It told me to close my eyes in the beginning and start exhaling and inhaling the air. The calming music was playing in the background. I have noticed that my mind was going off track at certain point during meditation. For example I was keep thinking about school deadlines, food, or what am I going to wear today. A little things like these were keep distracting me. My alarm went off while I was still trying to concentrate on my mind and it was so loud. I felt like waking up to alarm’s sound was not very peaceful.

After a while, another alarm went off and it was from the meditation app. It told me to slowly open my eyes. I didn’t wanted to open my eyes at all because I felt so relaxed while they were closed. I wasn’t ready to enter into real world. I just wanted to stay home and stay away from all the responsibilities.

I found this app called headspace really helpful. It’s free for beginners but after couple trials, you are required to pay for it. It was a very straight forward app and easy to navigate. I personally loved it because it helped me to start off my day with calm and clear mind. It also had variety of other things for example another meditating tool to help you fall sleep if you’re having a trouble.

What I learned from my experience is, meditation is a long process. It’s a skill that you need to study and focus on everyday. Even though, I had a hard time focusing on but I am happy with my findings. I was able to see how my mind works and how it slows down.

I think it will be hard for certain community members to get an access to this tool. For example homeless community, they might not have phone or access to internet. It will be hard for them to use this app. I think elders will face some problems as well. Many of them are not familiar to internet to smart phones. So I think this app might not be the best idea for them.

Cite this paper

Best App for Meditation. (2021, Apr 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/best-app-for-meditation/

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