An Analysis of the Satire Theme in Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron and Cats Cradle, and Mike Nichols’ The Graduate

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Satire is a unique way to criticize the culture or the society. As opposed to directly stating the negative aspects, it illustrates the opposite view in a sarcastic and ironic manner. Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut, The graduate by Mike Nichols and Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut are the efficient satires that ridicule different types of humankind. The purpose of satires is to create fictions that appear impractical by exaggerating the unawareness of humans in order for their deprecation to stand out. Then the readers are able to acknowledge the blunders in their society. As well, they will start realizing that some aspects of these stories are rather realistic and they will try to bring a reform into the world to prevent them from becoming a non-fiction in the future. It is necessary for the writers to achieve these tasks to establish an effective satire. In the three works, the writers are able to accomplish creating an effective satire by composing an absurd world based on humans Efollies that the deeper meanings about the follies become conspicuous to the audience and the readers. These works do not only entertain us at our foolishness but also causes us accept the critical truths.

The societys preferential treatment of equality was criticized by creating sarcastic circumstances. In the populace, many people are taught that everyone in the world must be equal. However, this is not always a positive effect to our society. In the short story Harrison Bergeron, Kurt Vonnegut demonstrates the world in 2081, when everybody [is] finally equalE(7). In this world, no one is able to be more intelligent and people who was had some type of disabilities they have to carry on. George was one of them who has a mental handicap in his earE(7) which is required by countrys regulation. Not only intelligence, beauty and talents are also required to be hidden.

The ballerinas in the story had weights and bag filled with birdshots in order to conceal their aptitude and wear mask to conceal their attractiveness. No one is allowed to better than anyone else and people who attempt and make an effort are considered criminals so with the purpose of be innocent, they have to somehow become an average person. The world changes and the individuality is not valued anymore and everyone is expected to be in the same level. Nevertheless, this is the world where everybody is equal, which is what people value very much in our society. Vonnegut creates an affective satire by expressing the idea about esteeming equality in a sarcastic way that the misguided issue becomes prominent to the reader.

Absurd world is presented based on human nature in order for the reader to comprehend the ludicrousness of it. Stupidity exists in every individual in this world that they do not often perceive. In the novel Cats Cradle by John Vonnegut, this issue is demonstrated by the main character, John. John is asked from Newt to take over his place and become the next president of San Lorenzo. Even though John first refuses, he makes a decision to accept Newts favor because he wants to marry Mona. It is a risky accommodation because he is now obliged to dominate the whole country and have responsibility for it. Only desire he has is to be with Mona because he loved her so much that he never needed anyone as much as herE(131).

John is demonstrated as a selfish and careless character, a dead ringer for all other human beings in the world. Vonnegut put John in an absurd situation, which expresses the truth inside the individuals. Despite the fact that being a president of a country is such a diligent and accountable job, John does not think nor care and accepts to take over the position for his pleasure. Even though the theme of human stupidity is exaggerated, it becomes conspicuous to the reader immediately. Vonnegut writes an affective satire in a sarcastic method in order to reveal the reality that not many people recognize themselves.

Illogical situation is created based on incongruous society to reveal its oddity to the viewers. In this hectic society, sex is now regarded as source of pleasure, reassurance, and maturity even though the true purpose is for reproduction. In the film The Graduate, Ben starts having an affair with his formal teacher, Mrs. Robinson. Since Ben is always distinguished as a perfect student, it is a way to escape from the pressure and anxiety. Although he believes he is now mature, he essentially becomes more naive, both sexually and emotionally.

His lifestyles changes immaturely in many ways; for instance, he starts smoking, tanning, dresses in more trendy clothing, and chooses not to go to graduate school. As well, he informs to his parents he will marry Mrs. Robinsons daughter Lane even though she does not know anything about it. The scenes illustrates Bens escalation that he not only he becomes selfish, he also gains too self-assurance. By creating many ironic scenes, the film expresses the societys bizarre judgment about sex. Though Ben experiences sex with an older woman, instead of growing maturely, he develops into an immature man. Film presents a successful satire by bringing the viewers to comprehend the reality of peoples effect after having sex.

As a result of an extreme sarcasm, the peculiarity of certain issues becomes notable. By setting up a situation based on the issues in a cynical style, the readers are guided to understand the deeper meaning of the story and soon they understand the foolishness of way humans think and believe. This will guide them to reform the society in order to make the world close to a utopia as possible. Complex issues are difficult to change but with the purpose of not making the sarcastic fictionsEcome true in the real world. As a consequence of the intense mockery in the stories, the satires become strong, moving, and affective. People start revolutionizing their faith after reading these affective satires.

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An Analysis of the Satire Theme in Kurt Vonnegut’s Harrison Bergeron and Cats Cradle, and Mike Nichols’ The Graduate. (2023, May 15). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-analysis-of-the-satire-theme-in-kurt-vonneguts-harrison-bergeron-and-cats-cradle-and-mike-nichols-the-graduate/

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