Achievements of Harriet Tubman

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On the contrary, a greater achievement that Harriet Tubman took part in was conducting the underground railroad. Harriet Tubman ran away and escaped slavery in the year 1849, as previously mentioned. Unlike most people who ran away during these times, she decided to go back and get more people to safety. Doing this she put herself at risk, but fortunately, she was never caught. Her records are very unclear and incomplete, but it is without a doubt that she made at least eight trips with fugitives by her side. Starting in December of 1850 and ending in December of 1860, Harriet Tubman made eight trips that we know of. In one of them during the fall of 1851, she was traveling with eleven others. (Document B) This was extremely dangerous because they could most likely be noticed at any time since it was a big group of people.

Harriet Tubman was an empowering person because of her brave personality. It takes not only kindness to do what she did, but an immense amount of bravery and strength, as well as knowledge. She had many different escape routes to Canada which are shown in Document A. Her journeys to travel down these escape routes were hundreds of miles, they were made longer due to the fugitive slave act. This act forced the Northern people to turn in escaped slaves if they were found. It made it extremely risky to travel up North in addition to the South. Risking her life, and putting all these dangers aside, Harriet Tubman rescued many slaves and got most of them, if not all of them, to safety. In spite of all of this, I do believe that there is an even greater achievement in her life, which was her time spent assisting people during the Civil War.

Although these achievements were astonishing, Harriet Tubman’s greatest achievement was her part in the civil war. Not only was she a nurse, but she helped lead a raid during the civil war, as well as spied for the North. Even though Harriet Tubman risked her life while she conducted the underground railroad, she put herself in even danger by leading a military expedition. “…Tubman helped Colonel James Montgomery plan a raid to free slaves from plantations along the Combahee River in South Carolina.” (Document X) She did this in order to help free more slaves, even if it meant putting herself at risk.

Harriet Tubman was also a very knowledgeable woman, she planned this raid to the very last detail, which is most likely the reason she was never caught during her journeys to and from Canada or the North. “She knew where they were hiding along the shore. She also found out where they had placed torpedoes, or barrels filled with gunpowder, in the water.” (Document X) This information was given to her by her scouts since she was also a spy, which shows her ability to plan things out and be prepared for the worst.


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Achievements of Harriet Tubman. (2020, Sep 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/achievements-of-harriet-tubman/



What are 3 important facts about Harriet Tubman?
Harriet Tubman was a former slave who became a conductor of the Underground Railroad, leading over 300 slaves to freedom. She also served as a spy for the Union Army during the Civil War and was an advocate for women's suffrage.
What was Harriet Tubman's biggest achievement?
Her biggest achievement was leading slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad.
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