A Personal Statement on How My Education at WLC Help Me with My Leadership

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How has what you’ve learned about “leadership” reinforced and/or changed your thinking about how you might become a leader in your future? Especially, how will your education at WLC, in your major and in the Gen Eds, prepare you to be a leader? Leadership is a vague noun that people will often use when referring to a position of power and authority. The lack of an explicit, universal definition of leadership explains why a wide variety of theories about leadership do exist.

Some theories claim that leadership isa characteristic, ability, or skill (internal) while other theories claim it is an observable behavior (external) that can be measured by achievements or influence over followers inspiring change. Another theory states that leadership is the relationship between the leader and the follower (In reference to the Leadership Notes handout). I believe that all of these theories to a certain extent are true and are intricately connected. I would argue, however, that all theories about leadership are built upon leadership being situational (In reference to the Leadership Notes handout). Followers draw on their personal life experiences, beliefs, values, and expectations of their leader and carefully weigh them as they formulate their opinions.

Whether followers are picking a leader because of a desirable trait, ability, behavior, or achievement, they are all connected to each other. A trait or ability (more internal) will affect a leader’s observable actions more external) and will dictate what a leader can feasibly accomplish; they are each a piece of the multi-dimensional leadership puzzle (In reference to Leadership Notes handout). Leadership is also a mutual relationship between the leader and the follower (In reference to Leadership Notes handout). Without followers, a leader does not exist. Leadership exists when the leader sets the example, and the followers willingly follow. Followers must believe that the leader has the capabilities to effectively lead.

Followers also trust that the leader will take their needs into consideration. If followers do not believe leaders have the capabilities to lead or the leader shows no concern for the well-being of followers, a pre-existing relationship will likely deteriorate, and a new relationship will not form. Both parties are critical to leadership, not just the leader. No matter what a person deems as leadership, it is stringent upon the right circumstance or situation for that to be possible. If it is a trait, ability, skill, or behavior, it must be the right one, which depends on the time, place, people present, and so forth. If it is a relationship, it must be the right interaction between the right people. If it is multi-dimensional, it must be the right balance of various factoring working together.

The situation itself must be the right one. Leaders, leadership roles, and views on leadership are unique to each person and situation, which is why leadership cannot be explicitly defined. Because there is no way of knowing how to be the best leader or the time that an opportunity will arise in which we may be called upon, it is impotant to build a large portfolio of skills, abilities, experiences, and more that we can chose from and adaptively apply in any situation at hand. WLC is helping me do so through my education. In my classes, I am constantly interacting with people I know as well as meeting new people, working individually and in groups, and living with roommates gaining relationship experiences and skills. Professors use projects to encourage the development of preexisting and new skills in addition to taking on diverse perspectives. Papers and presentations strengthen written and verbal communication skills. Critical thinking skills are constantly engaged in readings and lectures to deeply analyze, ask questions, and draw conclusions.

Students sharpen their planning and time management skills as they devote time to work projects in order to meet deadlines for multiple classes on top of balancing work, social time, and personal time. Although I do not know what major I will specifically pursue yet, I will almost inevitably have a clinical or an internship in which I would be applying and growing in knowledge, using and developing skills, and gaining real life experiences in the workforce. WLC is helping me prepare by teaching me skills sets, encouraging me to use my abilities, and providing me with as many opportunities as possible to gain experience that I can build upon as I step into future leadership roles and adapt.

Leadership is defined by a collection of theories that all hinge upon situational factors. Everyone will inevitably be a leader at some point in their lives. Some will embrace it while others reject it. Some will be prepared, and some will be taken by surprise. It is all about seizing the opportunity when it is presented to you. With the help of WILC, I have already embraced several leadership opportunities that have given me invaluable experience. I do not know what the future holds for me, but I know I am well-prepared. My leadership journey at WLC will continue throughout my life, and I will follow wherever my Lord leads me.

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A Personal Statement on How My Education at WLC Help Me with My Leadership. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-personal-statement-on-how-my-education-at-wlc-help-me-with-my-leadership/

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