A Discussion on Whether There is Pride in Serving the Military

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Before the start of the American Revolution, the colonists were getting very aggravated at the way Britain treated them. Taxes, tariffs, and restraints hampered the growth and development of the thirteen colonies. Finally, the colonists, as a represented group, wrote the Declaration of Independence and told Britain to leave them alone. Britain, being the super-power of the world in both economics and military, gazed upon the colonists with a humorous contempt. How could a rebellious lot of “savages” even come to think that their unorganized group, without a classified military, could hold their own against Britain, the king of war and ruler of the seas? Well, as it turned out, because of the colonists’ fierce determination and courage for their cause, they came out victorious over King George and his redcoats. One word can be used to describe what the colonists felt after they had defeated the super power of the world: pride.

Pride, in today’s society, has a very watered-down, selfish definition. According to the dictionary, though, pride is actually “dignity; self-respect; – to be proud of; as he prides himself on his speech.” Some synonyms for the word pride include self-esteem and honor. All in all, pride is an emotion someone feels after they have seen through their own eyes what they have accomplished, whether by themselves or in a group. In that context, pride is not just something that grows from nothing; it must have roots. Pride is only accomplished after someone works extremely hard with all their resources and capabilities to complete their goals. One amazingly powerful force that goes above and beyond to earn their pride without expecting anything in return are our men and women in the United States Military. After the American Revolution, the United States Military matured enormously. People everywhere, after hearing about the heroic win the militia had won, wanted to make sure they were able to help their country.

They had such a deep pride for their military, they knew they would have an even deeper pride while serving in the force that helped give them their freedom. After the War of 1812, the war where the adolescent United States had yet again beaten the super-power Britain, a sense of nationalism spread rampant across not only the original United States but also the new territories forming out west. Nationalism, a sense of pride in one’s country, inspired many young people to join the military, whether on land or sea. During both World Wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Gulf War, serving in the military gave not only pride to its soldiers but a purpose; a purpose of standing up for what was right and helping others who were not so fortunate. By helping these other countries, our men and women helped spread a pride of nationalism across the globe. Today in the twenty-first century, the whole concept of war has altered itself due to the influence of technology.

Weapons, transportation, battle strategy, and even foreign relations have changed because of new generations and the thoughts they bring to the table. But the main purpose of the United States Military is still the same: protect the beliefs and freedoms of the United States. Through doing that, all of our military men and women have pride. The men and women that serve in the military for the United States of America have pride. Soldiers gain dignity in themselves for accomplishing all the tasks and challenges put before them. A soldier’s self-esteem is greatly enlarged due to increased responsibility and a regimented environment in which they can learn valuable skills. A soldier honors their roots and belongings more after the situations they have experienced. A soldier’s respect for their country grows because of what they have seen and done to protect the citizens of the United States. All of these aspects; dignity, self-esteem, honor, and respect; are all intricate parts of pride. The men and women of our military sacrifice their lives, give up their time, and provide an overflowing passion for their job: protecting and serving the United States of America, a country under God’s mighty wing. They deserve all of the honor and respect that we, the citizens of the United States, can provide. For their job of being a courageous soldier is one of the highest honors in our nation. That, in itself, is worthy of pride.

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A Discussion on Whether There is Pride in Serving the Military. (2022, Nov 03). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-discussion-on-whether-there-is-pride-in-serving-the-military/

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