Galileo uses experiments and observation to find the truth about the idea from the authority and compared them to the evidence that he gets because just stating that something was true without any proof is not right for him. This idea of his brings him a lot of trouble because it is an uncommon idea at that time. But, all of the troubles that he got do not stop him from continuing hid ideas in finding the evidence and it makes him one of the most famous scientists that ever exist in this world. There is a lot of other discoveries he has made and it is having a big difference all over the world.
The craters and mountains on the moon are among his famous discoveries. The moon was considered to possess a smooth surface before its creation but the truth is not because it is only a believer. Galileo is the one that discovered the moon has craters and mountains. The shadows of those mountains change even as the shadows on the Earth change consistent with the sun’s location. Hence, by watching the length of the shadows, Galileo was able to know the peak of the mountains on the Moon.
Another revelation of Galileo Galilei is that the stages of Venus. Galileo outlines his telescope from the temporary exhibition focal points fair in the blink of an eye fixed after it had been designed within the Netherlands. Once, he began learning to make a capable telescope, he eventually ready to utilize it to screen the planet Venus and its sun-powered stages. During his observation, he saw that the changes of the bowing stage on the planet Venus is the same as on the Moon that makes him conclude that the sun is the genuine central point of the sun-oriented framework., not the Earth as accepted. Due to this revelation, any thoughts that were expressed almost everything rotated around the Earth are concluded as not genuine any longer.
Besides, there is also the discovery of Jupiter’s moons. Galileo found that planet Jupiter has four tiny satellites that move around it just like how the Moon moves around the Earth but, the only differences are the number of it. Since Galileo is the one who discovered about Jupiter’s moons, the moons are known as Galilean moons that he named as Io, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto and we believe that he named it as what he likes the most. Since there is a lot more planet in the universe, it proved that everything in this world does not only revolved around the Earth as claimed before.
Galileo also discovers the celebs of the Milky Way. He acknowledged that the Milky Way was made from thousands of stars that move together and not just a fog of sunshine as assumed by other people. He found this as one of the foremost amazing things that he has discovered in his life. The first pendulum clock is additionally one among Galileo discovery as his contributions to astronomy was not enough. Galileo is the first one who designs one of the main components of the first pendulum clock that has been called Galileo’s escapement. However, this design is merely possible once Huygens completes the first working pendant clock design. Only then they were ready to build the planning of Galileo.
When Galileo was in one among a grand sanctuary, he noticed that a lamp swinging above his head took an equivalent time albeit the distance of the swing progressively getting shorter. This is how Galileo discovered the principle of the pendulum and this principle made Galileo become famous and eventually become used to regulate clocks. The law stated that there is always an equivalent amount of kinetic energy within the pendulum that makes the pendulum always take an equivalent amount of time to end a swing (Nathalie, 2007). This sort of energy is simply moving from one direction to a different one until it comes to a stop.
Other than that, he also discovered the law of falling bodies that states once we are accounting for the minor differences in weather and aerodynamics conditions, all objects will fall at an equal rate. Galileo demonstrated this theory by dropping some items of varied weight off to the side after climbing to the highest top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. He realized that everything falls to the bottom ground at an equivalent time. This founding is contrary to the traditional wisdom that has been established by Aristotle where the speed of an important object fall was found to not be proportional to its weight.
The mathematical paradigm of natural law was also founded by Galileo Galilei. He not only discovered the special laws of the universe but he also reformed the qualitative point of view and made Mathematics as one of the languages of scientific discovery. He pioneered the methodology and introduced modern experiment practice as well as calculated the laws of nature. Its establishment shows that a lot of laws of Greek philosophers such as Plato and Aristotle are incorrect. More discoveries are made by the good scientist Galileo Galilei but above are stated some of the foremost significant from the others.
Galileos Experiments and Observation
- Updated March 27, 2023
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Galileos Experiments and Observation. (2020, Sep 20). Retrieved from
What happened to Galileo as a result of his observations?
Galileo's observations led him to support the heliocentric model of the solar system, which contradicted the prevailing geocentric model. This caused him to be accused of heresy by the Catholic Church and placed under house arrest for the remainder of his life.
What is the famous experiment of Galileo?
The famous experiment of Galileo was the inclined plane experiment. In this experiment, Galileo showed that objects of different masses fall at the same rate.
What was the result of Galileo experiment?
Galileo found that objects of different masses fall at the same rate.
What were the observations of Galileo in his experiments?
Galileo sparked the birth of modern astronomy with his observations of the Moon, phases of Venus, moons around Jupiter, sunspots, and the news that seemingly countless individual stars make up the Milky Way Galaxy .