What is Healthy Lifestyle?

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According to World Health Organization ( WHO ), healthy lifestyle refers to a living method that decreases the higher rate of being critically sick or dying at young age. A human in a good physical or mental condition means in a good health. While lifestyle means the way a person lives. Research has shown that not all diseases are avoidable. A person health is also related to physical, mental and social wellbeing. So, it is important for an individual to have a good lifestyle in order to live longer.

Mind Mapping

Exercise regularly

  • Increases energy

Exercise can provide energy to healthy people. One study found that 6 weeks of regular exercise reduced feelings of fatigue for 36 healthy people who had reported persistent fatigue. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to our tissues and helps our cardiovascular system work more efficiently. Exercise improves people’s energy for work. People who exercise on a regular basis actually have more energy and greater strength for daily activities.

  • Promotes better sleep

Regular exercise can help us relax and sleep better. Exercise is very important to overcome insomnia. It is because exercise helps us to sleep better because our stress hormone levels drop several hours after we exercise. It also can help you increase the duration of your nightly rest. Exercise also encourages sleep because it raises one’s body temperature t and then fall by equal amount a few hours later. This drop in our body temperature makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • Make a person feel happier

Exercise will have a positive chemical effect on your brain reducing stress and improving mood. When we exercise, we experience a lower level form of stress which speeds up our heartbeat and triggers bursts of hormonal changes. Our stress tolerance is raised and the ability to handle stressors improves when we have enough exercise. When we have less stress about life, we will feel happier. When we work out and stay active on a regular basis, we may have noticed that we feel less stressed out, less anxious and generally happier

  • Reduces risk for serious illness

Exercise is critically important for the health and well-being of people of all ages. It has been shown to reduce the morbidity and mortality from many chronic diseases. People who suffer from chronic illnesses can be prevented or improved through regular physical activity. Exercise can conduce to a healthier mental and physical lifestyle. Exercise can reduces risk for serious illness such as cancer, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, vascular disease, diabetes and obesity. Besides, it can also prevent mental health illness and disease disorders, including depression, anxiety and stress.

Drink water

  • Helps blood circulation

Water is good for a healthy functioning body. A large part of our blood is made up of water. Doctors recommend that the average adult should be drinking up to 8 glasses of water per day. We need to drink more water as our organs need to stay hydrated to continue doing their best work. Increasing the water intake helps to keep things flowing throughout our body, including the flush of toxins. Moreover, Water carries helpful nutrients and oxygen to your entire body. We must drink enough water to improve our circulation and have a positive impact on our overall health.

  • Keeps skin healthy

Our skin contains a lot of water. We have to drink enough water to hydrate skin cells and plums them up. It will make our face look younger and our skin will become healthier. Water helps to replenish skin tissues, moisturizes our skin, and increases the elasticity of our skin. It also flushes out impurities and improves circulation and blood flow, helping our skin glow.

  • Prevent kidney pain

Drinking enough water helps to produce more urine, this helps to flush out infection-causing bacteria. Beware of pills and procedures. Drinking extra water may help prevent kidney damage. Water can help our kidneys. Water in our body helps to transport waste products in and out of cells. Blood urea nitrogen, a water-soluble waste in our body is able to pass through the kidneys to be excreted in the urine. Not drinking enough water is the number one risk factor for kidney. If we aren’t drinking enough, our urine will have higher concentrations of waste produces, including substances that can form stones.

  • Help digestion

Water is essential for good health. In fact, drinking water during or after a meal will aid digestion. Water can help to break down food so that our body can absorb the nutrients. Water can also soften stool, which helps prevent constipation. Besides, water is also necessary to help our digest soluble fibre. Water will this fibre dissolves easily and benefits your bowel health by making well-formed, soft stools that are easy to pass. Not enough drinking water will cause dehydration and can make it more difficult to have a bowel movement.

Think positively

  • Decreases blood pressure

Positive thinking takes a huge part in helping us to maintain healthy bodies. Our stress becomes less of a factor in your life if we have more positive thinking. As a result, it has actually been proven to help lower blood pressure. What we know is that, high blood pressure can cause heart disease, so by having a lower blood pressure, we can reduce the risk of heart disease and potentially increase our life expectancy. Positive is a very powerful tool, and if it can help to reduce the chance of heart disease, it’s really worth trying to practice it a lot more.

  • Reduces risk for anxiety disorders

Anxiety is having too much fear and worry. They feel worried and stressed about many things. They often worry about even small things. Some people also may have panic attacks. This panic attack is a sudden feeling of extreme anxiety. Anxiety can make us limit our activities and can make it hard to enjoy your life. Therefore, we must always focus our thoughts and attention on positive things; it helps to reduce our anxiety and fears. Positive thinking and having a sense of gratitude is very important as they can help us to think differently and conquer our anxiety.

  • Better relationships with people

Positive thinking is good for relationships. As we know, people are more accepting of positive thinkers. Positive thinking can dramatically improve our relationships; not only our intimate relationships, but our personal relationships as well. If we are having negative thoughts, those thoughts are going to affect our mood and how we feel about ourselves which affects other people. Positive thinking can change how we feel, how we act, and our positive emotions and thoughts can affect everyone around us; especially those close to us.

  • Slower aging

Positive thinkers get better with age. A study conducted by the University College London discovered that positive thinking is linked with aging gracefully. So reduce your stress, frown less and you’ll age well. A person with positive thinking will always feel good about himself, keeping fit and healthy and engaging fully in life as his age. Positive thinking will not only make us a happier person, it may also improve our overall health later in life. By maintaining an optimistic outlook, not only will you live longer, but you’ll slow signs of aging. We have to maintain a positive attitude towards aging. Positive thinking about getting older may slow down the aging process.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol

  • Mental clarity

Smoking and drinking reinforce each other to multiply health problems. Tobacco and alcohol have similar effects on the heart. Regular smoking and drinking increases the risk of cancers of the lung and liver. The damage to the body starts from smoking just one cigarette. Some people think alcohol is good for the heart but it’s not true. Even though red wine does contain natural antioxidants, this is in small amounts and the risks of alcohol outweigh the benefits. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to a loss of productivity, risky behaviour such as drink driving, and even violent behaviour.

  • Increases energy

Smoking and drinking alcohol will decrease your energy levels. Smoking is one of the worst things that will influence our health. The toxins and tar in the smoke also reduce the efficiency of your lungs. Smoking can reduce the efficiency of your lungs and make you feel tired. Quitting smoking is great for both our energy levels and our health. Drinking alcohol is a bad lifestyle habit which may make you feel tired because alcohol can act as a sedative and make you feel drowsy. Moderate drinking is not a problem. But if you drink more than the recommended daily limits, the risks of harming your health are increased.

  • Improve physical health

Both tobacco and alcohol have similar effects on the heart. The smoker and the people drink alcohol should be worried about their cardiovascular health. Both habits increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, which in turn increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Smoking is bad for your health as it can damage the organs in our body. In the long term, heavy alcohol consumption can cause high blood pressure, gastric problems, alcohol dependence and various psychological conditions. Excessive alcohol drinking can also cause accidental injuries and even death.

  • Improve quality life

Both smoking and drinking are two lifestyle habits that get a lot of negative criticism in health. They both cause multiple complications with the body that can range from mild to life-threatening. The first step towards a healthy lifestyle is to quit smoking and stop the intake of any tobacco products and alcohol. This is not easy to achieve in a day. But there are also plenty of lifestyle improvements which will come with quitting. You’ll also be able to use your healthier body and lungs to get active outdoors in ways you couldn’t imagine when you were smoking and drinking alcohol.


  • Help overcome addiction

Meditation can help to overcome addiction, especially drug and alcohol addiction. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol tend to make unwise choices as well as react externally to everyday situations. Meditation provided them with enough space to catch a thought pattern before it dragged them around for hours or days on end. Meditation allowed them to stop overthinking. Sitting quietly for just 15 minutes a day and focussing on the breath decreased the adrenaline coursing around their body. I was finally able to access a peaceful place within them. They will recover and find their footing.

  • Improve focus

Meditation does improve focus and concentration. Meditation is the best when you sit in a quiet room, close your eyes and let go of everything. It can give more clarity of mind and better mental health. Meditation can help to drop stress level and relaxes the all metabolism. Meditation is good for the people who wants to improve abilities related to the body and mind. It will help to make your mental cells related focus and concentration to get stronger, hence improving those focus.


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What is Healthy Lifestyle?. (2020, Oct 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/what-is-healthy-lifestyle/

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