We Should Value Our Work as a Good Source of New Experiences

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Work is a part of our life, Getting a job and working for a company is the necessary thing in our daily life. We want to earn a good salary, but we ignore some meaningful parts in a job that hidden in our deep hearts. In the radio of how can a monotonous job be meaningful, it indicates us that we need to earn money from our work in order to survive, yet not so many people did not realize that they are not feeling satisfy in their jobs. We as a human beings have a responsibility to rethink work and to acquire interest from work Barry Schwartz stated that humans have this innate need to feel valued, to feel like what they do means something, even when those jobs might not be ones people necessarily want I absolutely have the same feeling of this point because most of my best friend chose the major basic on career development, and they want to achieve successful career or receive high salary as well.

Of course, we will care about the wages in the future, and would not work without them. Yet we care about more than money, we want to have advantaged social status to live more comfortably and decent. The high social status can be flaunt your success, and it will help you to enlarge your communication to meet more middle-class people in order to do business. On the other hand, I have another personal meaning of work is that your family guide you to find the good job and pave the way for significant life. The upper middle family frequently to emphasize that how important to keep wealth and Status distinctions that had been entirely obscure to me into focus for three years in Long Island When I was a young girl in china, my parents always taught me to keep in good manner and behavior whether at home or school.

In school, we did not really think about who is rich kids or not I found interesting thing in my high school in Long Island. My friend in here all know how desire to get good grade, join the volunteer group to go aborad, so they can have chance to accept the dream college. They parents uses a plenty of time to cultivate their kids and to spread their point to their kids. It is needy to find the good job if you were raised in the kind of the middle class style family It is so hard to left behind your friend because you cannot let it happen, the nice environment will push you to catch up with peer‘s activity.

You have to work hard to keep it up It is my personal experience that I thought the family and environment to value you that become an elite. That is meaning of work for them. Receiving wealth and social status or influencing by the environment and family is big impact to approach the meaning of the work. We as young adult have ability to rethink this philosophy and explore to deep meaning in our life. Money is good source to provide for survive, Yet we should embrace the new experience through our work.

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We Should Value Our Work as a Good Source of New Experiences. (2023, Jun 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/we-should-value-our-work-as-a-good-source-of-new-experiences/

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