We Needed to Break a Dog

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In the 1960’s dog trainers believed we needed to break a dog down in order to build them up in a way they can be trainable, a fear tactic. They believed if fear was put into the dog that it would not only give the trainer satisfaction they did their job effectively but now the owner will be able to have a dog that is obedient and can be taken to places or around others without any hassle or trouble. There are more and more dog trainers within the community that are starting to take light in the effectiveness of aversive training methods, this method is used to stop a dog from doing unwanted behavior and finds a way in which they punish the dog to make them feel uncomfortable or distasteful to help with the training performance. However, in the 1980’s more and more people with disabilities and mental health issues started to create a companion in these dogs which comforted them and helped them when needed. This is when the stance of change started and the view of creating a fearful dog to be obedient took a different route into conditioned training.

This study will focus on the performance of the dogs who are a result of aversive training method within the agility school (agility school of training helps bond and deepen the communication with your dog by going through challenging obstacles) compared to the performance of dog who is trained by their owners. The within study design Is the best design for this study due to the low number of participants involved in this study. This also is because of the quantifiable results which will be accumulated and evaluated through this study. There will be a total of 20 dogs within this study, the method of selection will be based off the owners training their dog on their own or the use of a trainer to help with the training. There will be no bias selection method, dogs who are trained by their owners will be looked at the same way as those who are being trained by the agility school trainer, all of which will be evaluated based of performance. There will nbe no previous training allowed and the breed and age all have to be the same. This is to make sure that all the results that were evaluated can create a generalized result for dog who are drained by owners vs. Agility trainers. To conduct an effective study.

There will be an incorporation of longitudinal studies and continuous observation. the purpose of using the Longitudinal study is to help identify the correlation between the performance and the training that is taking place, by the owner or agility trainer. the observational study will start on the first day of training and last until the final day of training is complete. The subject of this study will be focused on agility while viewing the multiple variables that are dependent by viewing the performance that takes place by the owner vs. The trainer. There are definitely setbacks when we take a step back an look at the longitudinal studies, this is because of the relationship in which the dog has already developed with the owner through time, this can be seen as the sample population being exposed to the independent variable which can have an altering effect with the training that is being given by the agility trainer and the environment in which it is in.

Dog agility training helps the owner’s bond with the dog and deepen communication by negotiating challenge and work their way through obstacles together. These agility dog courses include Dog walk, A-frame, jumps (with wings, doubles and triples), 16’ tunnels, 12’ collapsed tunnel, teeter totter, and weave pools to name a few. Although the owners look at this as a school for training their dog many of the agility trainers would say “we train the people who love them”. I feel the agility training is the most effective stance that can help with the dog and its owner to build and gain a bond of communication, trust, and effective training. The process of training takes a lot of time and patience not just from the trainer but the owner as well, an being involved is of uttermost importance. Although training has a lot to do with the dog and its owner, the trainer is of much importance and without their assistance one wrong move can lead to misguide and failed interpretation. It is very important to do research when it comes to the agility training for your fur baby and find a trainer who is 100% into the work he is trying to deliver.


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We Needed to Break a Dog. (2020, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/we-needed-to-break-a-dog/

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