Time Management of a Student

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Laziness results to tardiness. Being late at all times shows carelessness and a waste of time. Being on time is not just a duty for students but also a part of good manners and respect. Being on time benefits us in many ways like Disciplinary Consequences, Never Miss Important Information ,and Develop Positive Lifelong Habits.

Most schools have specific policies concerning student tardiness. Generally, these policies allow for the occasional late arrival. Students sometimes have legitimate reasons for showing up late, such as transportation problems and they woke up late. However, after reaching a predetermined number of unexcused tardy arrivals, students may be put on a structured disciplinary plan to address any further late arrivals. Depending on their continued infractions, students may be issued before-entering school clean up, five pages promisory note or even calling of parents in school.

Arriving to school after classes have begun can cause students to miss more than just the introduction to a new lesson. While waiting for the Prefect of Discipline (POD)to sign the admission slip, teachers often share important information: reminders of upcoming quizzes, new classroom rules, project due dates and other school-related specifics. Students who show up late may miss out on these details and as a result, be unprepared for some future class event. While a teacher will likely reiterate crucial information throughout the day, latecomers may miss out on courtesy reminders about homework assignments and other projects. High school students who show up on time everyday can rest assured they have all the necessary information.

Arriving late to school on a consistent basis can have longer-term academic effects. If showing up late to school becomes a habit, students may develop the notion that tardiness is acceptable behavior. This belief can negatively impact their future work ethic and employment opportunities. Alternatively, showing up on time to school everyday can help students develop of the habit of being punctual with important commitments. This habit can serve high school students well through college and into their future careers.

A student should learn to organize their plans for the whole day like before going to bed, he/she should know what time he/she should wake up. A student should have enough sleep because a student who does not have enough sleep cannot focus on his/her classes. For parents, they should teach their children on how to be panctual at all times. As for schools, they should implicate a more stern policy when it comes to tardiness. Hence, student shouldnknow how to value their time and do their best not to be tardy at all times.

Cite this paper

Time Management of a Student. (2020, Sep 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/time-management-of-a-student/



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