The Violence Affecting the People’s Lives

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How does teen violence has an affect on our lives? What are the causes of the teen violence? Is it music. media or the parents? We’ve been hearing a lot lately about the rising of teen Violence in America. In past 10 years, violence in schools has become a veiy common thing. Many people advocate the need to prosecute young offenders as adults for their crimes. to lock them up in prison like adults for long terms, and to execute them like adults for capital offenses. Under zero-tolerance policy teenagers are not getting any excuses for their crimes. No one is trying to understand them or ask them why they are doing that, People blame the media. mus”: and the parents for the crimes that are being committed by teenagers. Are the media, music, and parents really responsible for teen Violence? When asked different people had their different opinions for it.

Some blamed the music, some blamed the media and some blamed the parents. Why do they think these are main three reasons for teen Violence? Lets fast check out why and how music has an affect on teens. Everybody knows Eminem and his music, Most people thinks that his words are foul in inappropriate. Eminem’s music makes your blood hot no doubt but that doesn’t mean that he’s telling teenagers to go kill people. In the section of August 2000 SPIN magazine there was a big article about Eminem. The title of the article was why Eminem Hates his mom, the media, N Stinkand you. If Eminem hates you why do you listen to his music and do what he says? That guy is Just trying to make some money by singing rap songs, we all know how rap songs are said by someone in the street and I totally agree With him. If hes telling the teenagers to kill the faggots and using bad words, thats not acceptable but isnt that what rappers do?

Not only Eminem is blamed for the teen Violence theres another one who doesnt sing rap songs. We all know about Marilyn Manson strange rocker who sings about what. He tell! s people to fight in his new song the fight song. That doesnt mean that you have to fight. do you? We all know about the tragedy of Columbine HS in Colorado. A lot of people would blame Marilyn Manson for this because the killers were in a certain gang who followed Marilyn Mansons ideas and whisper his songs all the time. Well there is nothing to argue about this point. Music really does have a responsibility for teen Violence no doubt. Many people would like to blame the media for introducing violence into the minds of teenagers.

Some people may even go so far as to directly accuse the media of being responSIble for a Violent crime. The general patters is that as soon as aterrible act of Violence occurs there is an immediate reaction goes up against the media. After the Columbine High School shooting in 1999. a myriad of programs and articles appeared which cast the blame on graphically violent Video games. aggressive death oriented music, and Violent action moVies, It is obvious that movies and games do illustrate very violent acts, and that some music does encourage Violence as well. There is a very small amount of people who do not watch teleVision or watch movies. According to CNN, kids watch over 312 hours of television a year, and from a database of many, Various mOVie genera there have been recorded over 57,467 deaths since the early 1980. Therefore, media is also responsible for the teen Violenl ce.

But there is one reason media can use to get out of this blame is that whatever they show is for entertainment. Media is showmg the death and the killing of human being, how it suppose to be entertaining? says my mother who really has a point. Even though I do like WWF wrestling what has too much Violence in it. I still agree with my mother. The wrestlers do say not to try the moves at home but why do teenagers still try to do that? They are Just being stupid and you cant blame the media for it. Lets not forget the role of a parent behind the violence. Most parents teach their children how to use a gun and tn! to get excused by saying that its for their own good. Also, most parents dont give their children enough time and more often they dont even talk to them to know whats going on in their minds. Free teenagers lost their ways in life and get affected by drugs like smoke, marijuana , alcohol etc.

Parents think that the kid is in the school so everything Will be fine. But discrimination in the school can really affect your kids mind. Many kids are being assaulted by the bullies in the campus, being ignored by others because they arent cool enough or whatever. This makes them sad and force to play Violent Video games, listen aggresswe death oriented music, and watch violent action moVies for fun. If the parents dont talk to the child and don! make sure everything is going right the child will end up killing someone or doing some serious damage. Lets! go back to the tragedy of Columbine. One of the Victim Rachel Joy Scotts father refused to blame anybody for his daughters death. I am here today to declare that Columbine was not just a tragedy. It was a spiritual event that should be forcing us to look at where the real blame lies! said Mr. Scott. He blamed himself and the parents of the killers for not knoWing what’s going on in their child’s mind.

He also said that whenever tragedy like Columbine happens people get away With blaming NRA, media, music and Video games. Therefore, all parents should take responsibility of their own children because its for their own good. In the book Helping Teens Stop Violence by Allan Creighton and Paul Kivel there is a reference for teachers. counselors and parents to help the teenagers to avoid violence. Any ideas supporting an end to the cycle of Violence and discrimination in our teen population developed by these authors is a guarantee of a resource that is valuable and effective. The activities. exercises and information presented in this book seek to encourage teachers, parents and counselors of teens and the teens themselves to look into their own experiences and enlighten and expose their own potentially Violent and discriminative attitudes.

The authors explain the cycle of Violence as beginning with the oppression and discrimination of people based on race, religion, gender, class, etc. The frustration and hopelessness felt by the oppressed manifests itself in the form of a Violent act on the individual him or herself or on another person. By using this perspective the authors demonstrate the mp0! rtance of not twing to stop Violent behavior by encouraging teens to simply act in ways that others deem proper and simultaneously deny and repress true thoughts and feelings The main idea of the book is to stop violence and help other people to do the same thing. This book should help the teenagers to make their decision against violence. What should we do to stop this teen Violence? Most of the nation’s prevention programs attempting to stem youth Violence are either untested or don’t work.

A few actually increase the risk that teenr agers will engage in Violence. according to a new report the U.S. Surgeon General issued. Some of the more popular prevention programs are among those cited as ineffective, including Scared Straight, and the Drug Abuse Resistance Education, or DARE program, the most Widely implemented us, youth anti-drug program. Surgeon General DaVid Satcher stressed in releasmg the report that there are “highly effective” anti-Violence programs in use across the country to prevent serious Violent behavior among teens or erase known risk factors. This prevention of Violence isnt working at all, The Violence in school in NY is Very low and why is that? Under zero tolerance policy and the fulltime security system is avoiding these Violations from occurring. Still many states arent being abi le to stop this Violence so they will attack people like Eminem and stop showing Violent movies.

That’s about all they can do! In conclusion, theres one last thing to say blame yourself instead of blaming the media. music or whatever. Media and music is just for entertainment and it shouldnt be a part of your life. I will blame the parents because its the parents Job to giVe a better life to their children and if they cant do it then they shouldnt have the right to give birth. Like Marilyn Manson said if I ever become the preSIdent, I Will make the mother to take an exam before giVing birth to the child. hat he means is that the mother should pass the certain test to give birth, Lets not blame each other but try to stop Violence all together. Its not Eminem, its not Marilyn Manson its not even the medial believe its the parents who are behind the teen Violence.

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The Violence Affecting the People’s Lives. (2023, Jun 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-violence-affecting-the-peoples-lives/

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