The Power of Inspiration of the Soul

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If we want to reach our soul-inspired power and live a life with purpose, passion and unlimited potential, we must first remember that we are souls and that we have a body.

It is rather ironic that even though we are divine beings and come from a source and source of divine inspiration, many of us spend most of our lives trying to find it.

Are we going to think about it?

When we recognize that we are a soul and not just a purely physical body, we believe that there is no limit to what we can accomplish. When we begin to live and see the world from the level of the soul, we acquire a perspective of higher consciousness and a deeper understanding of our purpose of life, of the nature of the world, of humanity, in particular of our fellows. Part of this learning to understand the power of Alma inspiration will lead us to feel the sense of intuition, to recognize and appreciate the energy of love as an important expression of Alma’s feeling.

Discover this great resource, learn how to take care of yourself and others, find ways to free ourselves from the limits of the past so that the soul can continue its expansion and, above all, evolve.

As we are all daughters and sons of God the Creator Mayor, we are unique and unique, our daily spiritual practices and habits reflect this individuality, which is the pinnacle when we learn to connect and embrace the soul. Is it correct?

This is a very personal and private search. True peace, as a last resort, comes from within and not from the most materialistic part of the outside world. When we think about the soul’s power of inspiration, we can think of the opportunity to take on the responsibility of starting a life as a divine soul that we are. It is therefore inappropriate to say ‘I will start tomorrow’. It’s not worth saying, ‘I’ll do it if I have time.’

Today is the day! Now it’s time!

When we realize that we can access this wonderful database that we call inner wisdom when we feel it, it is motivating to allow us to begin the life we were supposed to live.

The keys to Enoch, written by Dr. The Book of Knowledge. JJ Hurtak clarifies the relationship between soul and spirit: ‘The soul is the natural consciousness of life When someone understands that Alma is not a Spirit, he asks the deity to attain true knowledge and true wisdom. ‘

Once the habit of life has sensed the power of Alma’s inspiration, our personal bond is confirmed, allowing us to live a life of compassion, gratitude and appreciation for each other, deepening and the unlimited possibilities that we will have to exploit for ourselves.

Moreover, by practicing such spiritual exercises, we are encouraged to live a healthy life, both for the body and for the spirit. That’s it? It is an optimal way to start living, recognizing and repeating the source of inspiration for the soul: ‘I am a soul and I have a body.’ When we confirm these words, the soul repeats what we express and our consciousness rises to higher levels.

It’s a constant process to always keep in mind, because there will be moments in our life where for some reason, unconsciously, we can move away from the soul. So, through this constant process of remembering that we are more than a physical being, we are going back to our soul consciousness.

We will then feel the effect of the inspiration power of the soul!

Whatever image we project, it is really our self that generates the responses, inspires emotions and feelings, and forges our bonds through life.

It will be helpful if we have a difficult decision or challenge, or if we feel confused or questionable, pause and ask, ‘What does the soul want me to do? ‘ It does not matter who we are, what we were, or what we did. We will always have the freedom of the will to experience a spiritual life, to begin to live the power of inspiration of the soul.

We can even think of previous situations and say, ‘But I really was not good for others’ or ‘I had a very bad life’. It does not matter if we have lived a life of tyrant or angel, we are and will always be a soul. It is the generosity of the love of the greatest Creator God for us. Is that clear?

With the soul, we have a particle of the energy of the greatest creator God with us, the divine source in us all the time. As spiritual people, we are souls and, like Alm, we and all of us have sources of inspiration soul. This power will not let us down, regardless of our thoughts, feelings and actions.

All we need is to bind ourselves to the inspirational power of the soul and to be open and receptive to His divine wisdom, for it is clear that the soul only wants the best for us and our greatest well.

To live in the fullness of the power of inspiration of the soul is to be in perfect intimacy with the higher God, the creative being!


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The Power of Inspiration of the Soul. (2021, Feb 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-power-of-inspiration-of-the-soul/



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